"daryl, wait."

"get your hands off me! you can't stop me."

"i don't blame you." rick reasoned. "he's family, i get that. i went through hell to find mine. i know exactly how you feel. he can't get far with that injury. we could help you check a few blocks around but only if we keep a level head."

daryl was silent for a moment, then nodded. "i could do that." if juno was being honest, she was a little surprised that daryl actually agreed.

"only if we get those guns first. i'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions, okay?" said t-dog.

it was a little later. glenn had everyone crowed around a makeshift map of the city street that juno had drawn on the floor with a sharpie she had in her bad. 

"you're not doing this alone." rick said to the two.

"even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much." daryl said to glenn.

juno sent daryl a scolding look, followed by a 'hush'.

glenn rolled his eyes. "it's a good idea, okay, if you just hear me out." glenn uses a couple of random objects to represent each member of the group (juno handed him her nice rock to represent her). "if we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. if i'm alone, i can move fast." he placed an eraser on the drawn out street.  "look. that's the tank, five blocks from where we are now." he puts down a rock. "that's the bag of guns. here's the alley i dragged you into when we first met. That's where daryl, juno, and i will go."

"why me?" asked daryl.

"your crossbow is quieter than his gun." he answered. glenn quickly looked at juno. "and before you say anything, i'm going alone. you'll stay back to cover daryl just in case. while daryl and juno waits here in the alley, I run up the street, grab the bag."

"you got us elsewhere?" rick asked. glenn points down the street.

"you and t-dog, right. you'll be in this alley here."

"two blocks away? why?"

"i may not be able to come back the same way. walkers might cut me off. if that happens, i won't go back to them. i'll go forward instead, all the way around to that alley where you guys are. whichever direction i go, i got you in both places to cover me. afterwards, we'll all meet back here." glenn explained. the group digested the plan. it was a really good plan; it was hard for it to go wrong.

"hey, kid, what'd you do before all this?" daryl asked.

glenn furrowed his brows. "delivered pizzas. why?"

juno, glenn, and daryl hid behind a dumpster in their alleyway. rick and t had already made their way down to the designated alley.

"you got some balls for a chinaman." daryl complimented? juno wasn't sure. it was probably the closest thing to a compliment you'd get from daryl.

"i'm korean." glenn said.


glenn took a breath. "hey," juno placed a hand on his shoulder. "you've got this." he nodded and sent her a small smile before taking off out of the alleyway.

the two peaked from behind the dumpster they were hiding behind, watching the road in a ridged silence. neither felt the need to say anything. there really wasn't anything to say. though, having daryl by juno's side was good enough for her. despite his intimidating exterior, she found his presence comforting. but that didn't stop juno from feeling incredibly tense and anxious, hoping to everything out there that glenn returns safely, and that this doesn't end up like the last time. one time was enough. she released a heavy sigh and shook her hands a bit. it helped relieve her nerves.

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