[One-Shot #2 Uraraka] Forgiveness

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Requested: SimpleTimes1

Warning: N/A

Words: 552


It was the dead of night and you were spending your time with Ochako--sleeping in her bed. You two have been together for sometime so no one made inappropriate jokes about you two sleeping next to each other anymore(which you were happy about as it got annoying after a period of time).

It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for you to peek open an eye when your body jolts awake. As you did, you felt no support on your back, in which you panically moved your arm to feel nothing but air. You screamed dully, waking up your girlfriend who didn’t fully register where the noise came from, but she saw how you weren’t necessarily next to her.

“Y/N?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.

“Ochako! Please let me down!”

Her eyes widened at your plea and quickly stopped your floating. That was her biggest mistake. You fell, bouncing off the edge of the bed and smashing your shoulder into the hard floor. You cried out and she turned the light off seeing your curl up. The throb of your shoulder already left you in more discomfort than the actual damage the fall caused.

“I’m so sorry!” Her voice quivered.

It was her fault, she thought, why did I do this?

“It’s okay.” You smiled at her, using your good arm and pushing yourself up. “We can easily fix this, it’s just a bit sore.” She kept her mouth shut and nodded her head. She helped you up and carefully made her way to get some help.

Your shoulder was bent out of place which caused you to have a sling for the recovery process. It wasn’t long after when you got out that Ochako was still by your side to help you. You didn’t need it, but you could clearly see how guilty she still felt.

“Come on, no need to worry, my arm is good as new!” You tried to cheer her up, but all did was grimly smile at you.

This caused a lot of disappointment from your end. She didn’t kiss you, hug you, hold your hand, none of that due to her fear of hurting you when you knew that wouldn’t happen. And for the fact that you truly forgive her, no matter how severe the injury could’ve been.

“Ochako?” You glanced over at her. “Can. . . Can you stop treating me like you’ll hurt me?”

She tensed, “But I did hurt you!”

“Once during our time together.” You shook your head. “I already forgave you. I miss your touch. You aren’t only depriving yourself of love, but me as well. It hurts me more than a mere shoulder injury, you know.”

“I. . .” She bit her lip, holding back her choked sob.

“You’re amazing Ochako, our relationship is even more amazing, don’t let this ruin it.” You intertwined your fingers. “You have control, but even those who do have those days. We are still learning, don’t beat yourself up about it.” You drag her hand onto your shoulder. “It doesn’t hurt anymore, as if it never happened, so please, can we go back to the way things were--where you hugged me and stuff?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.” She hugged you.

You kissed her forehead. “It’s all okay, I forgive you.”

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