
'What?' There was laughter in his voice.

'It's s-suppose-supposed to-to be you.'

'Soon,' he said. 'You first.'

Aisha clutched at her breasts as he opened her up. She sucked in a breath as he brushed his fingertip over her folds. Then he pressed his lips against her. Then he was plunging in his tongue. Aisha jerked upright, then fell back down again. Her legs kept jerking but he held her knees tightly in his strong grip.

She could feel the warmth building in her pelvis. She could feel the blood pooling in her hips. Her nipples were tingling. The backs of her eyes were burning. Her breath caught as she gritted her teeth, clutching onto the sheet beneath her as her body reacted beyond her control. A swift sweep of his tongue and Aisha's hips bucked. She gurgled at the back of her throat as her orgasm pounded through her body, over and over again until the ceiling spun and her breath stuck in her lungs.

She couldn't breathe. Closing her eyes, Aisha let her body take over. The heat swept over her skin. The blood thrummed through her veins. Her legs were stiff in Quinton's grasp but they finally relaxed.

'Now, we can consider doing me.' He released her legs. Aisha opened her eyes, staring up at the ceiling. Then Quinton leaned over her, smiling, his long blond hair hanging around his handsome face. 'You okay?'


He laughed; a deep throaty laugh that tightened a muscle in Aisha's stomach. She'd never really believed in the saying that laughter was contagious, but she felt it now. She slapped a hand to her mouth, choking as he swung her legs into the bed.

He crawled over her to suck at her neck. She grabbed at his hips, then reached over to grab at his shaft. He truly felt huge. How had she fit him inside her? She released him with a yell when it suddenly sprang out of her grip.

Chuckling, Quinton pulled back so that he was straddling her hips. Aisha watched, aghast, as his penis thrust itself about like some kind of alien eel.

'Oh my G-God. Oh my G-God!'

'I forgot to tell you.'

'You-you can move it?'

He nodded. Aisha snorted, then laughed. Her hips throbbed as she watched it, as she studied the hard muscles in his pelvis, the way his balls hung between his muscular thighs.

Aisha licked her lips. 'Put it in me.' She took a breath, astonished at her words. How did she so suddenly come to be like this? 'Put it in me!' Something seemed to be yanking at a muscle deep in her vagina. It was like her body was trying to pull itself towards him. She winced. It hurt!

Quinton's eyes were intense. 'I want to. I really want to.'

'I want you to.'

'I can't.'

'Yes y-you can! I-I know my body ... I-I know my body!' She wanted to argue. She wanted to shout at him! But the words wouldn't come. 'It's my body!'


Quinton's eyes were feeling hot in his head. Aisha glared up at him, her hands fisted in the sheets, her teeth gritted. With a grimace, Quinton reached down to grab his balls at a painful throb. His eyes fell to her breasts. They moved to the triangle of hair sitting between his thighs, his penis resting between her hipbones. A line of cum gleamed against her abdomen.

He really shouldn't. He promised himself he wouldn't. They'd agreed she'd take him in her mouth. He'd washed and gotten himself ready, but he wanted more. And so did she—he could feel it, like an added pressure pressing down upon his hips, exacerbating the pain. And it was painful. So damn painful. He grimaced again at another throb in his balls. He had to do something.

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