File #6

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There's something oddly anomalous about waking up in the backseat of a squad car. Izuku found this even more odd at the realization that the vehicle was one issued to his own precinct.

He had been thrown in the car haphazardly and his neck was starting to feel the repercussions. It didn't hurt or anything, it was just a mild discomfort. What really pained him was the pounding of his skull. The headache was hardly half of what it was directly after quirk use, but he still wasn't at a hundred percent. If anything he just felt hung over, not that he would know what that felt like.

As things started to clear, he could finally define his situation. Sure enough, the woman he had bumped into was now driving the vehicle. Izuku's messenger bag was confiscated and placed in the passenger seat next to her.

Apparently, she had thought him a threat, handcuffs had been placed albeit too tight around his wrists. Even with Izuku's knowledge of escapism, there was no way he was getting out of these right now.

Though, he mustn't have been that big of a concern, he could still feel the pressure of his pocket knife. If he was anyone else, it would be quite the foolish mistake.

How was he going to explain this one to Naomasa? His own intern, arrested, laughable really.

Weighing his odds, Izuku cleared his throat. The officer glanced at the rear view mirror, an unpleasant expression on her face. Luckily, or at least lucky to Izuku, she took the bait.

"Seems sleeping beauty finally woke up, you have some balls running into an officer after robbing that store."

Oh, that made a bit more sense. Izuku had originally assumed that he was being held for assault or similar. His assumption had been based on a stretch though, nothing he'd done in her presence was illegal. Again, minus the pocket knife. 

"Mam, there seems to be a misunderstanding here, I'm not the person you were looking for." Her expression managed to only sower, "I've heard it all toots, you're not sweet talking your way out of this one."

Fair enough, she's probably had her fair share of cons. However, even the most stubborn of people can be persuaded, usually.

"I honestly hate having to mention this, but I'm currently interning under one of your precinct's officers. If you give me the chance I can clear up this misnomer." She laughed, she had the audacity to laugh at him. It was bad enough that Izuku thought she might swerve off the road.

"You, you're the intern, what a hunk of bogus." Before Izuku could respond she picked back up, "I'll tell you what, that's gotta be the best one I've heard in a while." She fixed the rear view mirror away from Izuku and at last she was focused on the road again. "Why don't you just can the fibs and we can fill out an actual report when we get to the station, ok?"

That worked out just peachy.

If he bugged her anymore, she would probably flip her lid. Izuku was never a fan of overly stubbornness, at least not when he was trying to negotiate with them. In some cases he did admire it, but those were slim to none.

The officer had taken a path Izuku wasn't entirely used to. He could only remember a few of the buildings they passed by. If he was correct- which he usually was- they were but a few minutes away from the precinct. At least he wouldn't keep Naomasa waiting.

After further inspection, It was precisely three minutes and seventeen seconds before they reached their destination, but who's counting.

It couldn't have been a second earlier and Izuku knows this for a fact. The door he was resting his arm on had been brutally yanked open upon arrival. If he had been any less competent, his face would have met the pavement.

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