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The sun ray falling my eyes what made me twitch my eyes, I stretch my whole body but felt sore in lower part and Jimin was hugging my waist. It automatically made me smile beside me he was sleeping like an angel. I was so blessed to got him by my side as the trauma was soon gone by Jimin who claim me to him which was more than the things I would ever be thankful. "You should praise my beauty often rather than stating at me." Jimin said in deep sleepy voice putting his face in the crook of my neck which catch me off guard.

"I-I was just thinking something why would I stare at u" I said in confident tone as possible not show my defeat in embarrassment on my face. "sure thing babe , how you feeling?" Jimin said in concerned tone. "I'm fine just soreness in lower part." I said giving him head massage in his silky hair while talking to him. He kissed my neck and got up which made me pout. He came and kissed my pout. "My cutie baby it's too late morning , I'll make breakfast you get freshened up okay." I made grabby hands towards him to hold me and take me bathroom.

He chuckled and lifted me easily with a smile " So now you want to be pampered hmmm?". He said in teasing tone which made me laugh. " You made me sore it's your responsibility Mr. Park" I said in commanding tone. "Then let's me bathe u  more like shower together, Mrs. Park." He was smirking at me putting me down on bathroom. I slap his chest cutely and said "No need Mr. Park I don't want to be sited in wheel chair for whole week. "Okay but my deal is open for you anytime and anywhere." He said winking at me, I pushed him out while chuckling closing the door.  


We were done with breakfast and watching some random movie while cuddling as today was weekend no office. I was thinking to tell him whole heartily what happened from the past with him cause he don't want me to speak to forcefully. Why I'm so in love with Jimin that I wouldn't be able to live without him nor a second. I was admiring him rather looking at the screen he noticed me and peck my lips eye smiling at me. "Do you want anything love?" He said in soothing tone.

"You." Shit what I said foolishly to him. "I'm and always be your baby." He said chuckling and scooting me more closer to me if possible. I kissed his neck and look at him "What I mean is that I want to tell about my past everything to you till the last night in party what happened." I said looking at him he was looking at me in concerned way. "Y/N if you are comfortable enough and have full trust that I'll not judge you then only tell me. No need to hurry and force yourself. I'll always wait comfortably." That's it no one ever cared about my emotions till now I'm here with my husband.

I kissed him in happiness which he responded to me moving me in his lap. Minutes after we were gasping for air I looked at him and smiled. " I'm all ready to tell you cause you deserve to and I'm way more than comfortable enough than anyone else." I said admiring him. "I'm glad to know." He said bopping our noses. "Jimin let me tell you from scratch and do listen carefully." He nodded at me and I continued with everything that happened with me when he came in my life till yesterday incidence.

"He was the reason I was crying near Han river and thought to take my life but my parents were important for me. He abused me cause I never intimated with him he always threat me he'll tell you about us in the past. The thing was I was not afraid of truth the deal will get terminate that made me scared. All in all I did everything as a fool for him and his slut." I said concluding as a tear slip from my eyes he was fast enough to wipe away. "Don't cry now you have me and no one will dare to do anything even my own brother. What you did in the past was what anyone would do in the past." He said full supporting me and understanding , I hugged him.

We enjoyed our time in knowing our past of each other. He was going to made Jihyun out of the company but I held him Jimin to not do anything for time being . He did listen to me cause now I just want him to focus on me, maybe in these time laps Jihyun will realize his mistake.


"Y/N lets go together office now that everyone knows you are my wife it's no use to hide." He said smiling at me sitting in the car. "Yeah I was about to say same but you are fast enough." I said buckling up seat belt. " I'm and  in making you fall in love with me too." He said teasing tone starting the car. "Ohh please not with your cheesy lines again." He chuckled at my whine and again back to seriousness might something strike to him. "Y/N if Jihyun will try to act some misbehavior do inform me not try to tackle with yourself." I said " don't worry Jimin I'll but if he has humanity left he will not do and may feel  sorry." I said hoping not to make any differences in brother.

"You still have big heart to forgive others but I can't not when what all deeds he had done to you." He said in anger. " Jimin this is I don't want the hate between you and Jihyun cause of me." I said in guilty tone " It's not cause of you Y/N any other girl would be there instead of you I would have definitely react the same. He should learn how to respect women's not to toy with them. But anyways we reached office let's go hmm." He said getting out of the car and opening for me. I smiled and entered in the elevator with new identity from today. 

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MARRIED TO MY EX'S BROTHER //PJM FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now