Chapter 12

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"Billie no please come back I'm sorry." I chased her through the crowd of people as she was walking to the front door at a very fast pace.

I was super crossed so I couldn't exactly move as fast as I wanted to. "Fuck you Eve." I heard Billie say as I pushed through tons of people.

"Eve please come back here she doesn't wanna talk to you right now, clearly." Lexi shouted as she tried to run after me.

I had made it to the front door and I swung it open and saw Billie heading to her car. I was able to catch up to her as she was getting in the drivers seat. I grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her back to me.

"Don't fucking touch me." Billie spat at me. "Please Bil I'm sorry." I said with a sad voice. I didn't exactly know what I was apologizing for, was it the fact I made out with Chelsea in front of her or was it the fact I blurted out our business and then slapped her.

"You know what I honestly don't know why I am apologizing non of this would have occurred if it wasn't for what you did." I said as I let go of her wrist.

"I don't know what to say to you. I did that with Val but what you did was twelve times worse." Billie said with a anger filled tone. "I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for you, and what would you have done with her if I wasn't there. Clearly what happened between us last night meant nothing to you." I pushed through tears. 

"I guess not." And with that Billie slammed the door in my face and drove off. I stood there in shock at what Billie just said to me. I sat down on the curb and pulled me knees into my chest.

I started crying hard and ugly. I felt like everything had been ripped apart. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and simply pass away. I hadn't known Billie for a long time but the times I had with her I was so happy and I haven't been that happy in a while. It was something different about her and I couldn't lose her like this.

But she said it, she said it meant nothing to her, what we did was absolutely nothing to her. I sat there crying my eyes out for some time. And by some time I mean like 20 minutes.

"I've been watching you from the porch and I think we should go home." Lexi said as she walked up behind me placing her hand on my shoulder. "I don't wanna go home I don't know if Scott's there and I can't deal with him right now." I told her.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the curb. "We can drive by your place and see if he is and if he isn't there you can get your stuff and come home with me." Lexi told me. "My stuff is already at your house." I replied.

"Eve your 18 tomorrow and that means your gonna be moving in with me." Lexi said as she walked to her car holding my hand and dragging me along with her. "Holy shit I forgot." I said becoming super happy.

Finally my nightmare is gonna be over. I can be Scott free and not have to ever go back to him again. I danced around as I walked to the car. "Well your attitude changed quickly." Lexi grinned.

"That's why you get fuck up isn't it so you can go through a heartbreak and forget about it a few minutes later." I jumped around and opened the passenger side door and climbed in the car.

"Yeah I guess your right." Lexi laughed.

We listened to music on the way back to my house and danced around in the car. I was feeling happiness despite what happened between me and Billie.

We pulled up in my driveway and saw Scott's car along with another one. I had no idea who was here but whoever it was Scott wouldn't hurt me in front of them.

"Please come in with me." I begged Lexi. "Fine but we better make this fast cause he scares the shit outta me." She responded and we both got out of the car.

We walked up to the porch and opened the unlocked door. I saw Scott sitting on the couch with a female that had long light brown hair and green eyes. She was pretty and definitely didn't look like Scott would be her type.

"There's my amazing daughter I was telling you about, oh and there's her best friend Lexi." He got up off the couch and gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. What the actual fuck is going on.

"Hello dear I'm Melanie how are you, your father has told me so much about you." The lady held out her hand for me to shake it. I reluctantly shook her hand and looked up at her making eye contact.

She gave me wide eyes and laughed to herself. "These girls look like they were having fun." She said. "Yeah where were you guys." Scott asked. "Umm we went to a friends house she was having a get together." I told him.

"Okay well I'm gonna be staying the night at Lexi's so I'm gonna get my stuff and we will leave you guys alone." I swiftly walked down the hallway not letting them get a word in.

Lexi followed behind me and we walked into my room. "What the actual fuck was that." Lexi said. "I have no idea but if it gets me out of getting my ass beat I'm chill with it." I chuckled.

Lexi sat down on my bed and waiting for me to get my belongings. I grabbed two backpacks and stuffed them with all the clothes I could fit. I grabbed all the weed I had and stuffed it in the bags also.

"Okay I think that's everything." I told Lexi. "Alright let's get out of here." She said as she got off my bed. I handed her one of the bags so he didn't notice I was carrying out two bags.

We walked out of my room and tried to walk out of the house without another interaction but failed. "Eve come here really quick." Scott said from behind me. I turned around and walked toward him. I wasn't worried because Melanie was sitting on the couch and could see us talking.

He bent down so he could whisper in my ear. "Don't come home tomorrow because I have something going on at the house that I don't need you to see." He told me and then walked back over to the couch to sit down.

I nodded and then walked back over to Lexi and opened the door to leave. I turned around one last time and said goodbye to Melanie and with that we left.

As soon as we got back in the car Lexi asked what he had said, I told her and she was just as confused as I was. Maybe I could finally get him arrested if he was doing something illegal.

But it wasn't that easy to get him arrest since he was a nice and well respected man in the town plus he was a police officer himself. I tried on numerous accounts to get him arrested but everybody thought I was lying because they think he would never do something like I accused him of.

We drove back to Lexi's house and went up to her room when we got there. "Lexi I need to smoke more because I'm starting to feel again and I don't wanna think about what happened tonight." I told her and searched through my bag to find my weed.

"Eve maybe you should feel it and let it all out instead of covering it up and getting high." I ignored her comment and walked out to her baloney that was in her room. I lit the blunt between my fingers and inhaled it.

I looked out over the railing. All I could think about was what would happen if I jumped. I don't really have anybody that cares about me besides Lexi and I think she could handle it if I was gone.

I could be with my mom and dad again and maybe find some peace. I finished the blunt and threw it off the balcony and watched as it hit the cement beneath. "Fuck fuck fuck." I whisper lowly to myself. I placed my hands behind my head and tried to catch my breath.

"Come here." I heard Lexi say from behind me. I turned around and saw her standing there with her arms open waiting for me to hug her.

I walked closer to her and let her arms embrace me in a hug. I melted into Lexis arms and let everything go I started crying and crying.

After a few minutes of that we walked back in her room and changed into our pajamas. She laid down on her bed and held out her arms waiting for me to come cuddle her. I smiled at her actions and crawled into her arms resting my head on her chest.

She kissed the top of my head and told me everything was going to be okay. All my mind could think about was Billie and when she held me like this and everything was actually okay. But right now nothing was okay and I knew that was the truth.

Senior Year x Billie EilishTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon