Chapter 7

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I walked past Scott who was sleeping on the couch and most likely drunk so I wasn't really nervous of him waking up.

I made my way out the front door and to Lexi's car which was parked in my drive way. I opened up the passenger side door and got in.

"I'm so sorry Eve I know what I did was awful but please forgive me, I love you so much and your like my only friend and I need you." Lexi immediately said as soon as I was fully inside the car.

I turned to her and started to laugh a little. "This whole day has been super fucked up and I'm not even really mad anymore because something more fucked up then what you did happened." I told Lexi with my laughter dying down.

Lexi looked at me with a 'continue' facial expression. I went on and told her about what happened with Billie and Scott.

"What the fuck he actually pushed Billie." Lexi said in shock. "Yeah he did and he hit me right in front of her, I can't even put into words how I even think she was feeling in that moment. I just feel so bad."

"Aw Eve it's not your fault. Guess what, your gonna be 18 next month and that means you can move in with me and not have to deal with Scott." Lexi told me well holding onto my hand.

I smiled at her words. I could finally be able to live my life without Scott being my biggest fear. Of course it's gonna be awhile until I fully cope with everything I went through with him but I won't have to deal with it again.

Me and Lexi pulled out of my driveway and headed to the nearest Taco Bell. I was a pretty stubborn person but between Lexi and Billie they were just two people my mind wouldn't let me hold a grudge against.

The whole ride to Taco Bell was just be and Lexi talking about random things. "Okay wait so explain to me what happened with Billie before Scott was involved." Lexi asked me.

"Okay so we basically just started making out and she gave me hickeys on my neck." I told her well moving my hoodie to reveal the hickeys. "Oh shit Bil really did mark her territory." Lexi said well looking at the hickeys with wide eyes.

I rolled my eyes and started to laugh at what she had just said. I wasn't Billies territory, well at least not yet I wasn't.

After me and Lexi had our Taco Bell we decided to go to this secret spot we found awhile ago when we were taking a random drive to the middle of nowhere.

We finally pulled up to the middle of this giant field that was surrounded by big trees and had a river running through the middle of it. We got out of her car and hopped up on the top of it instead.

We sat criss cross applesauce facing each other. We grabbed the bag our food was in and I pulled out my bean burrito and she got a crunch wrap.

We were laughing and talking about random ass things. I was happy that I forgave her for what happened earlier because Lexi really was my best friend and I didn't wanna be mad at her.

After about an hour of chatting we decided to head back to our homes. We hopped off the hood and got back into the car. We drove for 10 minutes before reaching my house.

I got out and Lexi got out as well to give me a hug. "Thank you for tonight it was super fun." I told Lexi while hugging her tightly. "You know we do this like every night." Lexi said with a laugh. Which I nodded realizing we really do hang out almost everyday.

I walked up to the porch of my house and got out my keys to unlock the front door. I walked inside and saw Scott still sleeping on the couch, thank god.

I walked down the hall and back into my room shutting the door behind me. I laid down on my bed and pulled out my phone getting ready to scroll through social media.

I saw Billie texted me a few times though so I checked that first.


Hey are you home yet I'm bored and wanna talk.

Yes I just got home what's up

Nothing that's why I texted you duhhh. How was your time with Lexi please tell me your friends again.

Yes we are friends again, we just got Taco Bell and hung out.

Luckyyyyy Taco Bell is my favorite.

Good to know maybe we could get it sometime.

I'll pick you up right now and we can go.

As much as I wanna see you it's almost midnight and I just got Taco Bell already

Alright fine. I'm going to sleep then goodnight.

Damn alright then. Goodnight.

I exited out of my messages and turned my phone off putting it on my nightstand. I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes drifting to sleep.

A/N - sorry this chapter sucks ass I didn't know where I was gonna go with it.

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