Chapter 10

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It was 10 o'clock and me and Billie have been watching movies and we were drinking a little bit but not enough to make us drunk.

Me and Finneas have became friends and he was so funny and chill. Me and Billie were hanging out in her room and Finneas was in his.

Billie turned on the movie 365 days a little while ago and it was just now getting to the spicy parts. The characters in the movie were on a boat and it looked like they were about to fuck.

Billie reached over and grabbed the remote and shut off the TV. "I'm to gay to watch straight people get down and dirty." Billie laughed.

Billie sat up and rolled over so she was laying on top of me. "But I'm gay enough for this to finally happen." Billie said well running her hands up my shirt to place her hands on my hips.

I bite my lip at the way Billie spoke. She sat up so she was straddling my hips and bent down to kiss me. We started to slowly and passionately make out before leading to anything else.

After a little while of making out Billie took off my shirt leaving me in a bra. She went back to kissing me but then reached her arms around my body to unclip my bra.

I was nervous to be so vulnerable in front of Billie. Nobody has ever seen by body in this way besides Scott and I wished that never happened.


Billie laid down beside me both of us breathing loudly as we were out of breath from the actions that occurred moments ago. My legs were still slighting shaking from the pleasure Billie made me feel.

I turned my head to look at Billie who was laying down with a big tshirt on and was wearing a black lace thong. The sight of her laying like that made me wanna have sex with her over and over again.

She turned her head so we were looking at each other, Billie had a huge smile plastered across her face. I smiled back at her before scooting closer and laying my head on her chest.

Billie wrapped her arms around me and pulled my body close to hers. She kissed the top of my head and we fell asleep like that.


"Dude tell me what happened." Lexi loudly shouted well jumping up and down in her room. "I'm not going into detail on my sex life." I yelled back. "Omg so you did have sex with her." Lexi yelled again well clapping her hands.

"I mean yeah but I'm not saying anything more." I sternly said back. "Ughhhh fine, when are you guys gonna start dating though." Lexi asked. "I don't know yet I wanna get to know her for longer I only met her a few weeks ago." I said back well laying down on my back.

It was the day after I spent the night at Billie's and I was currently at Lexi's house telling her how I felt about everything that happened with Billie.

"Omg look at what Val posted on insta." Lexi said well turning her phone to show me the post. It was a picture of Val and Chelsea holding a bottle of beer and the caption was 'party at my house tonight bring the booze.'

"We are totally going." Lexi excitedly said. "But me and Val hate each other." I told her. "Yeah but there is gonna be a bunch of people and chances of you seeing her are slim to none." Lexi reassured me.

"Okay fine I'll go but you better stay with me the whole night." I said to Lexi with a serious face. She nodded and assured me she would stay with me.

I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at my phone to see a text from the one and only Chelsea.


Hey babe you better be at Val's party

Me and Lexi planned on going

Awesome, can't wait see you soon pretty <3

"You texting Bil." Lexi questioned. "No I'm texting Chelsea." I replied. "Um what since when did you have Chelsea's number." Lexi asked with a shocked voice.

I completely forgot to tell her how Chelsea has been treating me. I explain everything that went down in the locker room with Chelsea. And Lexi was in pure shock.

"Dude what the fuck she has never liked you. She is probably planning something to ruin your life or some shit." Lexi said.

"I don't think she could make my life any worse." I shrugged. "You better watch out for Billie and Val though, they been getting close like real close." Lexi mentioned.

I explained to her what Billie had told me yesterday, but she didn't buy it. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I saw them walk out of the stall together as well so it wasn't the only time they have done that." Lexi said.

My eyebrows raised and I took in what Lexi said. I get why Billie didn't tell me but that's still kinda fucked up. I had sex with her last night because I thought she wasn't hiding anything and truthfully didn't want Val.

But if that happened twice it makes it seems like it wasn't because Val made her but maybe because they both wanted to.

Lexi snapped me out of my trance by telling it was 8 o'clock and we should start getting ready cause the party starts at 10.

I wasn't in the best mood and I truthfully didn't wanna go to this party but I wasn't about to let Billie get me down. I was gonna go to this party looking like a bad bitch and get fucked up.

A/N - I am so sorry for how bad this chapter is I didn't know where I was going with it so um yeah
Plus I tried like 3 different writings of smut and they all made me uncomfortable to post so maybe later on in the story I'll truly write a smut scene but not right now

Senior Year x Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now