44. Stripped off

Começar do início

" That's because he is gentle with me... Fight him , you will know the power of his hands... and his hold" Gguk shyly smirks thinking about the way Tae hold him while they ride horse..

" So... You are more than just brothers, I see... Is he playing the girl...? " Bum daringly asked..

" He is more man than you and your father... " Gguk snapped...

" What should I do to replace him... To play the man for you and play with you... Eager to see and feel what's beneath those thick robe of yours.. " Bum runs his perverted gaze on Gguk's body...

" You are getting bold I see... Remember who you are talking to?? " Gguk said

" Yeah !! I'm talking to a sexy prince, who can play girl behind walls... and you should know one more thing... I'm now your official prince guard, appointed by King Jeon himself... See my pin?! "

" Ohh!! That looks ugly on you...This designation gave you this power to challenge me... ?! "

Gguk raised his eyebrows in challenging way , but when Bum smirked at him Gguk launched on Bum with sword ready to strike straight to Bum's shoulder in rage, but Bum moved a little and catched the stumbling prince, he twisted Gguk and...

" No!!! The designation and the secret.. I know what you've been doing with Wang... Tsk! The bastard TaeYoung in the deepest forest... How does it feel to get touched by a man??!! Huh??!

I can pleasure you better Gguk nim...!!Think about it..m"

Bum said all the while caressing Gguk's right cheek.. Gguk struggled to release himself, seeing this head guard rushed to Gguk's side...

" What the f....!! Get off me...you asshole"

On seeing head guard, Bum stepped little back and he walked away from Gguk on seeing Taeyoung furiously getting down of his horse. Tae made his path straight to Gguk..

" Gguk???! Had a great time with Bum!? Are you satisfied?"

" Gguk???! Had a great time with Bum!? Are you satisfied?"

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" Hyung!!! I'm... I didn't.." Gguk stuttered..

" You did as you said... You gave me the punishment,you wanted me to suffer... I did...Now fight me.. Pull out your sword Jeon.. " Tae angrily yelled, head guard stood his ground, je know better not to approach them.

" Hyung!! You are angry... I'm done training... Let's speak.. "

" You coward!! Pull out your sword " Tae yelled

" Yeah... Come do...whatever you want... Come kill me... If that's what you want.." Gguk pulled out his sword and

" Gguk pulled out his sword and

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THE PROPHECY ( TOP TAE VERSION) ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora