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" Did I really see blue eyes or am I hallucinating??! "

Jungkook crossed Taehyung's office, wondering how he saw blue eyes, so in a sneaky way he started to walk back to peep through the door again to confirm what he saw.

It's black!!!

Mini is bad influence for you Kookie ...

You started imagining things like him!!

Now Taehyung cought the boy who crossed his office along with Jimin.He got up from his seat and came to see that boy who peeped through his door for the second time..

" Hey!!! You... Come here... " Taehyung sternly called Jungkook.

"Me??!! " Jungkook points himself and asked.

Oh shit!!

" Yes... You.. New admission.. Come here.. What's your name again?! "

" Jeon Jungkook... "

" Sir?? Where is your respect... ?Call me Sir when you adress me... What's your name again?!"

" I'm Jeon Jungkook...Sir!! "

" Good... May I ask...what you are doing here in front of my office?! "

" Your office?! This is my lunch time... I'm just passing by...Sir? Do you have problem with that? " Jungkook taunts while answering Taehyung.

" Passing by is not problem... Peeking through my door is... And that too twice"


" Sorry sir... I.."

" Come inside... I want to talk to you.. "

Taehyung hold the door from closing and extends his hands inside his room. Jungkook proceeds to come but stopped before the door and look back at his friend Jimin. Taehyung noticed this.

" Jimin... You can go to the class and inform next class teacher that Jeon is with me and will join for last class. "

" Ok Sir.... Sir??! May I know what's wrong? Any problem with him..? "

" Nothing dear.. Just casual official work... New admission right?? So... You can go Jimin. " Taehyung kindly speaks to Jimin.. Jungkook thought..

Perks of being topper I guess...

" Ok Sir... " Jimin left to class after that small interaction with Taehyung.

" Jeon... !! Get inside.. "

Jungkook hesitantly enters the office room, displaying fake confidence in his face. He squeezed himself in the small path between Taehyung and the door frame..

Mhhhhmm Jeon!!!

You smell goooood!!!!

" Take your seat Jeon.. Introduce yourself.. "

Taehyung sat in his chair and placed his elbow on his table and rubs his chin and raised his eyebrows to continue..

" I'm Jeon Jungkook from Seoul... Sir"

" That's all...??!! Ha....You don't have anything else to talk say about you??!! " Taehyung ask with smirk in his lips.

" No sir... I have many things to say about me... I don't want anyone to know about me anything else other than this... " Jungkook sternly says.


" Ohh...I see...! You know I have your file right? "

Then why the hell are you investigating me?!

THE PROPHECY ( TOP TAE VERSION) ♡Where stories live. Discover now