Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

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The day was finally upon them. The day they would reopen Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The pair had barely slept, but for different reasons. George was beside himself with nerves, he hadn't done a days work in almost two years, and although Jenny had worked around the clock to help him get the shop prepared and ready to open to the public again, he couldn't help feeling anxious that people wouldn't come. They had waited until the summer holidays, and he knew that meant children would likely show up with their parents, but not knowing what to expect was killing him.

It was also killing him knowing that Fred would never see their business flourish properly. It had done exceptionally well prior to closing the first time around, but that had been in the midst of a war. This time, people were free to shop as they like, and enjoy themselves using the products, and George knew how Fred would have loved to see it.

It broke his heart.

Jenny had stayed with her mother the night before, as she knew the opportunity to live with her mother was going to be short lived. The dementia was getting worse by the day, and Jenny knew it was a matter of time until she had to make a decision and do what was right for her mothers health.

She didn't sleep well either, the night before the shop opened again. But for her, it was more the excitement of all of their hard work coming to fruition. She was so excited to finally see George doing what he was passionate about, although she knew he was nervous she also knew that he was going to be brilliant and she would love every second of watching him.

She woke after very little sleep just before six that morning, and decided that as soon as Mel arrived to care for her mother she would be leaving for the shop, which would open at nine. She had a few last minute things she needed to sort out before they opened, and she also had a feeling George might need some time to calm himself down and she figured he might need some reassurance.

She had owled Mrs Weasley the day before, telling her that George was finally ready to open the shop again, and she knew he would appreciate his family dropping by. She hadn't received an answer as of yet, but she was hoping they would turn up.

George had said he didn't really want his family there, but Jenny knew it was just the nerves talking and he would feel better when he saw them there.

Mel arrived at a little after seven, and Jenny left almost immediately, arriving at George's flat and banging on the door.

"What have I told you about letting yourself in? You practically live here," George looked terrible, though Jenny would never express that.

"Didn't sleep well?" She said instead.

"I don't think I ever got to sleep," George said as she followed him into the flat.

"I'm so excited!" She was a bundle of energy and although George still felt sick to his stomach, she always had a way of making him feel better.

"I'm nervous," Jenny knew eventually George would have a moment of doubt, she just didn't expect it to be so early in the day.

"What are you nervous about?" She asked as they sat down on the sofa.

"What if nobody turns up?" He asked.

"Of course they will! Do you know how many kids I've heard saying the words 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' in the last week?!" Jenny wasn't lying. People were abuzz about the shops impending reopening, and she wished George would believe her when she told him. 

"I'm just worried," George shook his head, but he always underestimated how well Jenny knew him.

"Tell me the truth," Jenny insisted, and he looked at her. 

"What?" He had confusion written all over his face. 

"Tell me why you're really so anxious," Jenny said.

"I don't know what you mean," George furrowed his brow, shaking his head. 

"Yes you do. You're anxious because Fred isn't here to help," Jenny stated, and the confusion left George's face.

"How do you know me so well?" He sighed.

"Because I am completely and utterly obsessed with you," Jenny joked, and a smile came to George's face. 

"I can't blame you, I am great," He shrugged, and she leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Fred would be so proud of you. Remember what you were like when I met you? That George would never believe what you've managed to achieve. I can promise you that wherever Fred is now, he is absolutely positively beaming knowing his dreams are coming true today, and his best friend is the one doing it," All hint of humour had left Jenny's voice, and she felt her heart break as tears brimmed George's eyes. He never cried, at least not in front of people, but opening the shop was completely overwhelming for him.

"You really think so?" His voice was quiet and full of emotion. 

"Of course I think so. In fact, I know so," She smiled at him, and he returned it, though it was more of a sad smile. Jenny was grateful she was over so early, as it gave her time to hold him in her arms and let him release all of the pent up emotion he had held within. 


"I cannot believe this!" George had repeated this same sentence about a million times in the five hours that had passed since the doors of the shop had opened to the public, and each time Jenny grinned back at him. 

"I told you so!" She said, and he laughed at her, his eyes wide as he gazed around his shop. It was still absolutely full of people, and it didn't show any signs of slowing down. He didn't know how to feel as he looked at the happy children, testing and buying items and products he had invented with his brother. He was full of pride, for himself, for Fred, and for Jenny. He couldn't believe what they had accomplished. He was also flooded with feelings of guilt and sorrow, at the fact Fred wasn't there to see their vision realised and coming to life. But the most surprising and overriding emotion was how much intense love he felt when he watched his girlfriend bustling around the shop, chatting to the children and managing to look completely and utterly beautiful as she did so. 

"You're amazing," He muttered into her ear, and he held back laughter as she blushed furiously, turning away to deal with customers. 

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