Fly With Me

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Christmas Day 1999 would go down as one of the very best days of Jenny's life, this she didn't doubt for a moment. She and George had arrived at The Burrow practically at the crack of dawn, and the smile had hardly left her face since. 

Growing up an only child, Christmas had always been lovely, but mellow occasions. She had always wondered what it would be like to have a big family, lots of siblings, making lots of noise and laughter. And here she was, finally living her dream. 

She sat on the small couch in the living room, squished between George and Harry, feeling like she was practically walking on clouds as she gazed around the room, her eyes catching the glowing lights of the Christmas tree and mesmerising her for what felt like the billionth time that day. 

The whole family wore their Weasley Christmas jumpers, including Jenny, who had been so overwhelmed when she had received it from Mrs Weasley that she had burst into tears on the spot, which George would no doubt tease her about relentlessly for the next decade. But it was okay. She was happy.

It was rough, her first Christmas without her mother. She hadn't spent the last Christmas Day with her mother, for she had been with George at the flat, but the following day she had lunch with her and Mel. It was hard to know her mother wasn't just sat at home waiting for her, but she also knew she shouldn't dwell too much. 

George was sat beside her, chatting away with his father, and it was a beautiful sight for not only Jenny, but the entire family, who not so long ago never imagined George would ever be sat in the house smiling ever again. He had certainly brought back the light they had been missing, and it was a joy to have laughter again. 

Harry was deep in conversation with Charlie Weasley, who had ventured over from Romania for the holidays, and had yet to discuss anything other than his dragons. Although Jenny had very little interest in the terrifying creatures, she had to admit that his passion was contagious, and she was fairly certain he could engage anybody once he began talking. 

Little Teddy Lupin, quickly approaching two years old, was being bounced on his Godfathers lap, his eyes drooping sweetly as he tirelessly fought the nap that was desperately trying to overtake him. He had been with his Grandmother all morning and had only recently arrived at The Burrow, and it was long past his designated morning nap, however he was clearly worried he would miss something exciting if he let his eyes close.

Over in the corner, Ginny and Hermione were whispering together, a look of giddiness on their faces as they exchanged gossip. Jenny made a mental note that she must find out what they were chatting about later. 

Audrey and Fleur were also sat together, accompanied by Mrs Weasley, who was not so much part of their conversation, as she was too busy mimicking the behaviour of Jenny. Both women were gazing around at their family, happiness written on their face, but for very different reasons. Mrs Weasley was simply full of pride as she watched her family interact with one another, perhaps feeling that her work, whilst never truly over, was quite complete. Everyone was finally happy and at peace, and whilst a very important piece of the puzzle was forever missing, every individual in the room had found their own way to make their peace with it. 

Even Percy, who had been wracked with insurmountable levels of guilt in the months following Fred's death, was happy in his life. He was engaged to a wonderful woman, and their wedding date had finally been set for the following Autumn. 

"I think it's about time we all sat for a spot of Christmas dinner, don't you think?" Mrs Weasley announced suddenly, and the conversations all began to soften as they were moved from the living room and into the kitchen. It always confused Jenny, the way in which so many people could squeeze quite comfortably into such a small intimate kitchen, but she thought it best not to question such things. 

As she sat down beside George, she felt him take her hand into his and squeeze her fingers lightly, and she felt her cheeks flush red. She felt almost giddy, as she had done when they had first met. She figured it was simply the occasion, but she quite enjoyed it. 

"We actually have some news we would love to share," Bill announced, after clearing his throat to attract the attention of his family. Everyone stopped their conversations, and turned to give Bill and his wife their full attention. 

Bill stood, and Fleur followed suit, looking quite nervous. 

"Yes, dear?" Mrs Weasley questioned, anticipation in her voice, as though part of her knew what the news was going to be. 

"Fleur and I are having a baby," Bill announced, and the entire table erupted into cheers and whoops, everyone overcome with joy for the pair.

"Oh! I knew it!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed, as everyone jumped up to hug the expectant mother and father. 

"I am due in May," Fleur grinned from ear to ear, and in that moment, Jenny could not have felt more grateful to be part of the Weasley family.

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