Make Me Want To

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Girls nights. 

Not something Jenny experienced often. She had her two friends at Hogwarts, but they had died when she was only 20, and she had gone into hiding with her parents not long after graduating. She had gotten drunk one time, with her Father, and her Mother had lost her mind. 

So, when she received an owl from Hermione Granger, asking her if she wanted to go out in London with her and a few friends, there was certainly a mixture of feelings. 

"It'll be good for you, Jen!" Usually, it was Jenny persuading George to go out and do something fun on his own, to spend time letting his hair down and having a laugh. This time, it was George's turn to insist. And Jenny was finally realising why George got so annoyed with her. 

"I barely know Hermione, and I've no idea who her friends are," Jenny's eyes were full of anxiety, and she felt a bit nauseous. She was far too used to staying in with George every single night, even they didn't go out very often. 

"She's lovely, I wouldn't let you go out with her if she wasn't," George reassured her, but Jenny's eyebrows furrowed, and he wondered what he had said so wrong. 

"You wouldn't let me?!" Jenny asked him, and his eyes widened as he realised what he had said, and how he certainly shouldn't have said it. 

"Oh Merlin, definitely not what I meant! I just mean, if she was a bitch, I would tell you!" George held his hands up to defend himself, and the little action from him made her smile.

"What does a girl even wear to go out drinking?" Jenny asked, and George shrugged. After all, how was he supposed to know what girls wear on nights out? 

"I'm not sure, something sexy?" George smirked at her, and she looked up at him with an eyebrow cocked.

"And who would I be dressing sexily for, George?" She questioned, and he pleaded innocence. 

"For yourself, Genevieve. To make you feel good," He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me that," She asked, and he laughed. 

"You must have something you can wear, your clothes fill a wardrobe and three-quarters," George pointed out, and Jenny had to admit he did have a point. She had a lot of clothes. 

Two hours later, Jenny emerged from the bedroom and George worried his eyes might fall out of their sockets if he widened them anymore. She looked incredible.

"Holy fuck Jen," He managed to splutter out. She always looked beautiful. Truly, she did. But in the year he had known her, she had never really dressed up, she had never worn heels or done her makeup to go out. And she scrubbed up so well. So well. 

"Sexy enough for you, Weasley?" Jenny had chosen something to make a point. George asked for sexy, he was going to get sexy. She had found a dress she had bought years ago, before the war had truly taken a turn for the worse. It was red, it was short, it had a low neckline, and she had paired it with a pair of black heels. And it had exactly the desired effect. 

"Hermione sent another letter, she cancelled. You'll have to stay home with me," George said, standing from the sofa and walking towards his girlfriend. He still didn't quite know how he got lucky enough to call her that.

"Oh, she did? Can I see the letter?" Jenny smirked at him. 

"No," He said bluntly, as he stood in front of her. 

"Why?" She asked. 

"Because the owl died on the way here, I didn't actually get the letter. I just know," George's excuse was absolutely terrible, but it did give her an idea of how flustered he was, which was exactly where she wanted him. 

"Fun story, Georgie," She smiled at him, before suddenly reaching out a hand and grabbing at his crotch, causing him to gasp. 

"I presume the answer to my first question was a resounding yes?" She whispered in his ear, and watched as the hairs on his neck stood straight up on end as he gulped. 

She turned his head towards hers with her finger hooked under his chin, and crashed her lips onto his roughly, the kiss full of passion, and she smirked as he moaned into it. 

Just as she felt he was getting a bit too excited, she was, literally, saved by the bell. 

"Ah, that'll be Hermione! See you later sweetie, don't wait up," Jenny pulled away as suddenly as she had pounced onto him, pecking his cheek and walking away, leaving him a flustered mess in the corner as he watched her walk away, his face covered in her red lipstick. 

Jenny quickly checked her own lipstick in the mirror in the hallway, grateful that things hadn't progressed enough to ruin her makeup. 

"Ready?" Hermione grinned at Jenny when she opened the door. Jenny was grateful to see that Hermione had also gone for a similar look, and could only imagine Ron was equally as upset as George. 

"Ready," Jenny smiled back, oozing with confidence as she linked arms with Hermione, walking down Diagon Alley. 

George watched from the window, appreciating the way that the dress shimmered under the street lights, and the way it hugged every curve she had. He simply could not wait for her to get back home. He certainly would be waiting up. 

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