How They Remember You

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The second of May 1998 had been a horrific day. For everyone. There was no exception to the rule, for everyone knew someone who was fallen.

Genevieve Crawford couldn't imagine what her world was like prior to this date. A world with a sane Mother and an alive Father was completely foreign to her, it was almost as if she had never lived that way. She remembered the moment that Professor Flitwick had informed her that she mustn't enter the Great Hall, and that her Father was one of the many dead lying on the cold ground. And she remembered the urge she had to move him from that position, to find a bed, a sheet, anything that would be more comfortable than the floor. She realised she would need to tell her Mother, her poor Mother, what had occurred. She remembered asking Flitwick what had happened, who had done it, and she remembered being told Bellatrix Lestrange's name. She remembered the urge to find the woman, and to murder her. And she remembered the relief she felt when she discovered someone had beat her to it, and the woman was already dead. She remembered entering the Hall later, to sign out the body of her father, to find the families of her two best friends, really her two only friends, sat huddled together over two bodies laying side by side, and realising that in the drama of her Father's death, Flitwick had forgotten to mention the murders of her two best friends, Kelly and Lottie. She remembered standing there, in the middle of a Hall that once held only fond memories, and feeling more alone than she had ever imagined feeling.

For George Weasley, his memories of that day were far less vivid, and much of the Battle would remain a blank spot in his memory for the remainder of his life. He knew he had the medication to thank for that. He lived with many regrets, but none were as deep as the regret he felt whenever he remembered that he failed to show for his twin brothers memorial service. He couldn't even remember where the grave was situated. He knew, deep down, that Fred would understand. He would know why he hadn't gone, and he would have probably agreed with it, knowing he would be just as bad. But he knew he should have shown up, given a speech and left. After all, nobody knew Fred Weasley as well as George.

As these two, troubled young adults walked towards the castle, their hands had never gripped together so hard. Their knuckles were white as they walked, slower than they had ever walked before. Neither of them had wanted to go, but both of them knew that they didn't have much choice.

The castle was unrecognisable, and the restoration had been incredibly well done. But the trauma could still be felt, it was mesmerising to think a year on, people were getting an education within the walls they gazed upon.

George and Jenny were even more tense than they otherwise would have been. Jenny was to meet the rest of his family, following the memorial service, and they couldn't be more anxious about the affair.

The place was entirely silent, nobody speaking to one another as they took to their seats and bowed their head, waiting for the proceedings to begin.

It didn't take long for Professor McGonagall, the new Headmistress of the school, to step forward and stand at the podium, clearing her throat.

"We are gathered here this afternoon, to remember those we have lost throughout the course of the terrible war, within which we fought to protect our rights and our liberties. I do not have much to say, and will keep this short so as to allow you all to mingle, share stories, share in your laughter and in your sorrow. So I will simply say this. I hope that over the past twelve months, you have all reflected and remembered, and you have all lived your lives to the full, as those we have lost would have prayed for you to do. Don't take each day for granted, and live," McGonagall's speech was short, blunt and to the point, and yet somehow there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

George glanced over at his girlfriend, and he smiled to himself. He had spent months following the war, in such a stagnant state that he often thought he might as well have died alongside his brother. And then she came along.

He had never been so sure of anything in his whole life, that he wanted to spend every day until he was back in the company of his brother, with the girl sitting by his side, clutching his hand within her own. She was everything he didn't know he needed, and she made him a better man. He loved everything about her, and he knew sooner or later, he needed to make sure that she knew that. She was the best thing that could have happened to him.

After the congregation observed a moments silence for the fallen warriors of the brutal war, people began to stand, and they began to talk, exchanging stories of their fallen loved ones, and there was much laughter, and many tears to be shed.

"George!" George was almost thrown off his feet, as his younger sister flung herself onto him. He had almost forgotten that she had been at school this year, and thus hadn't seen him since he was revived.

"Oh Gin, I missed you," George wrapped his arms around her, and it was evident that both had needed the embrace.

"You!" Jenny jumped out of her skin as Ginny rounded on her, suddenly frightened that she had managed to land herself a monster for a sister-in-law.

"Yes?" Jenny asked, trying to keep her voice steady, and failing miserably.

"You saved him," Ginny wrapped her arms around Jenny, and Jenny grew increasingly confused.

"Sorry?" Jenny asked.

"George. You brought George back, I don't know how to thank you, you're an angel," The tears were freely flowing down Ginny's face by this point, and Jenny got the impression that the girl didn't really care all that much that everyone was looking.

"Oh, he's marvellous. He needed a bit of a kick up the backside, and I was happy to oblige," Jenny laughed, and Ginny sniffled, though she was smiling.

"She's hard as well, when she uses her feet," George joked, rubbing his backside and getting a laugh from the surrounding group.

"I'm Hermione Granger, it's so lovely to meet you at last, George has told me so many lovely things!" A small brunette woman, who now held one of the most recognisable faces of the wizarding world, stuck out a hand for Jenny to shake politely.

"Jenny, it's a pleasure!" Jenny smiled, thinking to herself that this was going remarkably well.

"This here is my partner, Ron," Hermione gestured to the man stood beside her, an arm wrapped protectively around her waist. The man was clearly a brother of George, they were too alike to be anything other.

"Partner? Is that what I upgrade to when it's been a year?" Ron pondered.

"Of course. It's our anniversary today. Terrible timing, but war does that I suppose!" Hermione shrugged, as Ron bent down to kiss her cheek. Jenny found the two very sweet.

"Nice to meet you, Jenny," Ron smiled.


"This is my partner, Harry," Ginny introduced the man who certainly held the most recognisable face in the world, Harry Potter. Although, Jenny was confused, as Harry was bouncing a small child on his hip, and Jenny didn't realise that Harry Potter was a father.

"Great to meet you, Harry. Is this your boy?" Jenny smiled at the baby, who was shyly hiding his face behind Harry's hand, though she could see that he was still smiling.

"Merlin, no. This is Teddy. His Mum and Dad died in the Battle and he's my Godson. I care for him during the week, he lives with his Nan on weekends. Say hello, Tedster," Harry coaxed the boy out from his hiding spot, where he waved shyly at the new woman.

"Oh he is precious! How old is he?" Jenny cooed, waving back at Teddy.

"He just turned one a few weeks ago, didn't you Ted?" Ginny grinned at the boy, who held out his arms for the woman Jenny presumed had taken on the role of mother in his life.

"He is adorable, kudos to you two for taking on the challenge of parenthood!" Jenny joked, offering her finger to the baby, who was now in Ginny's arms.

"It's hard work, but I wouldn't give it up for the world," Harry grinned, watching Ginny bounce the baby in her arms.

Jenny was so busy fussing the baby and chatting with Harry and Ginny, that she failed to notice George, who was watching her from a distance, and silently wondering how the world might look if they were to have a child of their own someday. He couldn't wait for the day they could truly plan a future, once he finally felt secure enough to trust her enough to stay around.

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