Her Little Man

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To the woman marrying George Fabian Weasley,

Good luck.

I'm joking.

Kind of.

He is a handful. I'm not sure if he still is as a grown man, but I'm sure he is to blame for at least half of my grey hairs. Fred is responsible for the other half.

The date is 1st April 1983. And your husband-to-be is currently celebrating his fifth birthday.

By celebrating, I naturally mean he's made his two younger siblings cry, forced Percy to retreat to his bedroom rather than participate in the celebrations, and cut half of Charlie's hair off.

But that's George, always causing carnage. I imagine he'll only get worse before he gets better, but truthfully, I pray he never loses this playful streak.

Having so many children, it still somehow shocks me how different they all are. But let me tell you, you've got a good one there.

He cares, he cares so deeply sometimes he cries himself sick when he feels as though he's caused any pain to Ginny. He always pretends he's okay, but a Mother knows when their child is upset.

He puts on a brave face for Fred, but I know when he thinks he's taken it too far with her, and I sometimes hear him at night, climbing into her bed and trying to make her feel better.

He's funny, too funny for his own good. I imagine a life married to George is a life of hearing the same jokes repeatedly, but still laughing every time he says them, just because he has that quality which makes everything he says so funny.

He loves food, he especially adores anything sweet. He's only five, and I've caught him countless times sneaking down to the kitchen in the dead of night, stealing biscuits from the counter. I've never yet had the heart to tell him off, though. Just make sure you find a good hiding place for anything you don't want him to eat, he's good at sniffing things out.

It's hard to imagine that little five year old, grown and getting married. I imagine Fred has planned a wild Stag Do for him, I only hope for your sake he isn't too hungover for your wedding day.

I hope all of my boys are still friends, and I hope they all stand by his side as he gets married. If they're not, give them a swift kick up the backside and tell them life is too short.

I hope Ginny has been a welcoming sister for you, she has a tendency to be cold to strangers, I hope she's grown out of that now.

I hope you feel like one of us. We're a big bunch, but we're alright really. Loud, yes, but kind. There'll never be a dull moment, if it's anything like it is just now.

I'm so proud of my little boy, I am so excited to see all the things he achieves with his brilliant little mind. I wish for time to slow down, but he discovers something brand new every day, and he is one of my favourite people in the world.

Welcome to the family, dear.

And good luck.

All my Love,

Mummy Weasley x

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