Beautiful in my Eyes

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Walking out of the Leaky Cauldron for the last time was a strange feeling for Jenny. She expected to be there for far longer than seven months. But as she walked out onto the street under the spring moon of March 1999, she felt optimistic and positive. Her life had taken a turn, that was for sure.

She had been in a relationship for three months. With the most wonderful man she ever imagined she could meet. A man who laughed with her, uplifted her, held her, made her feel strong, made her feel beautiful. She never imagined such men existed outside of fairytales.

She didn't have even a tiny ounce of hesitation about quitting her job and working with George full time. It was actually very exciting.

Seeing George so passionate about something filled her with more joy than she had ever felt. Once they had decided on their plans, he spent every waking moment in the shop, cleaning, or trying to brainstorm new products.

Whilst she wasn't so fantastic at inventing things, she was trying her hand at conjuring ideas for redecorating the shop, and handling the accounts, and she was getting rather good at it all if she did say so herself.

Things were just natural between herself and George, they didn't have to try. To be honest, they never had to try from day one. They had always slotted together seamlessly.

Up until she had met George, she had never believed in fate, but she liked to think something like that was at play for them both. They happened to meet right when they both needed a hand to hold, and she didn't really plan on ever letting go of his hand, so long as he still wanted her.

She rounded the corner towards the flat George was living in, and she found herself feeling familiarity. The place had begun to feel more like home, and she spent the majority of her time there with him, when she wasn't working or caring for her mother.

She knew things were getting serious when he offered her a spare toothbrush that he had in a cupboard in his bathroom. That was the first time she had realised he was wanting something more permanent and stable. Or, when she began to worry that her breath was stinky and he was dropping polite hints that she needed to increase her oral hygiene.

As she walked through the front door, having unlocked it using a key George had given her a few weeks prior, she felt excited to see him, as she had done every day for the last three months.

"Honey, I'm home!" She called out as she walked through the flat towards the living room, where she found her boyfriend sat watching a muggle television she had purchased for him for his birthday.

"There she is," His face broke out into a grin and he stood to greet her, pulling her in for a hug and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"I missed you," She whispered, and he hummed in agreement.

"Your last shift, how was it?" He asked.

"It was the same as all of my other shifts. I just wished you could have popped in, for old times sake," She shrugged, placing her bag on the kitchen counter.

"I've been very busy," George defended himself.

"Oh yeah? How far through the Friends box set did you get?" Jenny crossed her arms over her chest, and tried to stop herself laughing as she saw George blush slightly, knowing he was caught. Jenny had given him her Friends box set, as a way to ease him into muggle sitcoms. He was obsessed.

"Ross is about to marry Emily. Even though he should be with Rachel," George huffed. Little did he know.

"That wedding is beautiful, though. It goes really, really well," Jenny said, biting back a laugh.

"Don't spoil it Jen!" George scolded.

"Anyway! I wanted to ask you something," Jenny took a breath and sat down beside him.

"That sounds scary," George frowned.

"It's just, I might be moving my Mum into a home soon, and I'll have to sell the house to manage that," Jenny began.

"Yeah?" George gestured for her to continue.

"I'll have nowhere to live," She said quietly.

"You wanted to move in here?" George assumed.

"Not exactly. I was wondering what you were going to do with Fred's flat?" She asked. She knew it was a sensitive topic and she was careful to broach it gently.

"Oh, Jen, I'm really not sure," She could tell from his reaction he hadn't thought about it, and she was worried she had overstepped the mark.

"I'm sorry, George, I didn't mean to upset you," She placed a hand on his arm.

"I'm not upset. I'd just rather you moved in here," He smiled.

"Why would you want to live with me?" She asked.

"Because, I think you're pretty damn great," He said.

"If you'll have me, I'd love to live with you," Jenny grinned.

"You could move in tomorrow if you wanted to," He offered.

"I'm keeping Mum at home as long as I possibly can. But trust me, as soon as she needs to go in, I'll be here the same day," She leaned into him, unable to control the happiness she felt.

"I can't wait, love,"

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