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George had been walking around feeling a huge mixture of emotions following his conversation with Ginny two weeks prior. On one hand, there was a gigantic weight removed from his shoulders having expressed his plans to someone, knowing he didn't have to keep it all to himself was a blessing. But also, having the plans cemented made him feel a little bit nauseous, imagining what he might say when the time came, wondering what she might say in response. 

He felt quietly confident that she wouldn't say no to him, they were quite in love and happy together. They lived together, they had a business together, things could not be going better for them. He just didn't know if Jenny would think it too soon for marriage. 

He knew that Jenny's parents had gotten married quickly after meeting, but times were different now, life wasn't quite so fast paced. But he knew he didn't really want to wait around, there was nothing to wait for, in his opinion. 

Jenny, on the other hand, had absolutely no clue what was running through George's mind, and was blissfully happy with her little life and the way everything was panning out. Christmas was fast approaching, as well as the anniversary of her first date with George, and she was very much looking forward to celebrating the holiday season with the Weasley family she had grown rather close with. 

They had manage to whittle their applicants for the assistant job down to five candidates, though none of them had seemed like the perfect option they were looking for, but she had begun organising the spare flat for whoever got the job. George had found this challenging at first, and he had asked if she minded doing it alone, as he couldn't quite bare to pack up Fred's life into boxes. She understood this, he had been doing extremely well at putting his past behind him and looking to the future, but understandably this was just a step too far for him. 

So, Jenny had been slowly working at packing away Fred's things, and even though she hadn't known him, even she found it a little bit emotional. It was all a little bit final. 

"Jen?" George's voice came from the front door, which she usually left open as she worked to allow fresh air into the place. After all, it had been shut up and closed for over a year, it could always use some air. 

"Yes?" She shouted back, standing up from where she had been sat on the floor, so he could find her amongst all the boxes. 

"I wanted to run an idea by you," he began, and she nodded, "I just got an owl from Lee," 

"Lee? As in your old best friend, Lee? From school?" She enquired. 

"Yeah, that's the one. He wanted to know if we were still after a shop assistant," He looked slightly sheepish as he made his point.

"Well, yeah, we are," She nodded, wiping sweat from her brow, caused by the heavy lifting she had been doing around Fred's flat. 

"He wanted to apply," George said, finally meeting her eye. 

"Why would he want to work for us? I would have thought he would want a proper job," Jenny pondered, and George feigned offence. 

"How dare you! The shop is a proper job," He argued, and she chuckled.

"You know what I mean! I thought he would want to do some Ministry work or something, I expected the assistant to be just out of school," She explained.

"He tried the Ministry, but you've never met Lee. He's not exactly the type for office work," He laughed, presumably at some memories of his old friend. 

"If he wants to interview for the job then I'm happy for him to do that. But he does have to interview, we can't just give him the job because he's your best friend," Jenny stated, and George nodded in agreement. 

"Do you think we could squeeze him in today?" He asked, and she thought for a moment before responding. 

"I see no reason why not,"


And that evening, following a lengthy conversation with Lee Jordan, Jenny and George had stepped outside of the room to discuss the interview, which had gone better than any of them could have predicted.

"Okay, I figured he would be like you, but I did not expect him to be exactly like you," Jenny stood with her hands on her hips, shock on her face. 

"I did tell you, he's a funny guy," George shrugged, a smirk on his face. 

"I don't see that we have much choice," Jenny sighed, though she was more than happy in reality to hire Lee. They needed someone who was on the same wavelength as George to help progress the business further, and if not Fred, it would appear that Lee was the best option they had. After all, the boy had grown up pranking people at Hogwarts alongside Fred and George. 

"Really?" George had tried hard all day not to let the emotions of seeing Lee again get to him, but looking at the emotion in his eyes as he realised he was going to get to work alongside his old friend every day, it almost made Jenny cry. 

"If we hire him though, you have to ring the other candidates and tell them the answer is no," Jenny reasoned, and George nodded.

"Of course!" And with a quick kiss on her cheek, George ran back into the office to tell his friend the good news. 

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