"I can't believe you did all of this," Emma looked around.

"Well," Damon smiled as he confessed, "Caroline did it all, I just wanted an excuse to get you dolled up again."

Damon slipped an arm behind Emma's back and led her towards the dance floor. He spun her around once before leading her into slow dance as Far Away by Nickelback began playing. No doubt it had all been perfectly orchestrated by Caroline.

Damon pulled Emma closer, "I love you Em."

"I love you too," Emma smiled widely at Damon, "thank you, for this."

"After what I put you through the past few months, you deserve so much more than this," Damon gently brushed his thumb across Emma's cheek as she gazed up at him smiling.

"That wasn't the real you."

"Yeah," Damon sighed, "yeah it was. It was just who I was before. I didn't care who I hurt, as long as I got what I wanted and what was in my best interest. Worst of all, that's with my humanity intact."

Emma put her head on Damon's shoulder, not sure what she could say to make him feel less guilty, she chose not to say anything. In time he would learn to live with what he had done, just like he did any other indiscretion in his life. For now, the most important thing was that he had Emma back. He continued to lead the dance until the song concluded.

Caroline took her opportunity to steal Emma away by grabbing her arm and pulling her into a group of people who were swaying along with a new song, which was much more lively. Damon grinned widely as he watched Emma raise her hands and start dancing with Caroline, her hair bouncing with each movement. Caroline handed Emma a flask that she had hidden, no doubt trying to get her to relax even more. He saw the fire in her had returned, she looked alive again, instead of the lifeless being she had become since she had lost him. Each time she glanced up at him he felt like his heart was swelling up.

"Wow, Emma smiling," Stefan commented as he joined his brother, "I didn't think she would remember how to do that."

"I need you to promise me something brother," Damon couldn't help but let out a sad sigh, "if I don't kill Silas in time, and that dick erases my memory again, don't let her hang around here waiting for me. I don't care if you have to kill me to get her to leave."

"Do you really think you being dead would be better for her?" Stefan raised his eyebrow.

"I see it Stefan, the effects of everything are still there. Caroline helped pick out that dress when we got back from hunting, before all of this; and if you really look at Emma you can tell that it is slightly too big for her. She looks happy, but I can tell she is exhausted. Don't let me put her through that again," Damon pleaded.

"I agree," a rough voice said behind them.

"Dean, Sam," Damon greeted the Winchester men.

"We'll make sure she leaves," Sam assured Damon that they were on his side.

Damon nodded and turned back to watch Emma dance, "Good."

"You made a deal with Metatron," Dean accused.

"Yup," Damon said as if he didn't care, "I planned to kill Silas anyway, and the guy is begging me to do it. Not exactly a hard promise to keep."

"This isn't a cross-roads demon," Dean glared at Damon, "Sam and I can't get you out of this."

"I don't need out, on the full moon Silas is as good as dead," Damon looked at both of them with determination.

"Two days? Does Emma know about your memory's possible expiration date?" Sam asked.

Damon glanced at her and then to the ground before shaking his head no, "You think she would be out there dancing if I had? I just want her to have one-second of normalcy."

Dean nodded and let out a breath, "Tell Emmy that-"

Before he had a chance to finish, Emma spotted them, "Dean! Sam!"

Emma ran from the dance floor to the brothers and hugged them.

"You look beautiful Emmy," Dean complimented her.

She grabbed the skirt of her dress and swished it slightly to make it sparkle, she giggled, "It's all sparkly."

"Someone spiked the punch?" Sam asked.

Caroline had finally noticed that her dancing partner was gone and joined the group. Emma held her hand out as soon as she saw the blonde, Caroline happily handed her the bright pink flask and Emma took a large gulp of what ever booze was inside.

"Emma Peters, drinking out of a Barbie pink flask," Caroline giggled along with Emma.

"Tequila?" Dean asked Caroline, who nodded excitedly, "Yeah, good luck with her later. That's the one liquor she can't handle."

"I know," Caroline tried to whisper but actually yelled.

"Someone needs to come dance with me," Emma pulled at Damon's arm.

Damon spun her around and led her back out to the dance floor where he was happy to fulfill her request.

"Tell Emmy to call us in the morning after she has some grease and Tylenol in her," Dean instructed Stefan.

Stefan nodded before being pulled towards the dance with Caroline.

The party continued into the early hours of the morning. Damon had finally wrangled Emma back to his car and to the boarding house. As he carried her upstairs she was humming the song they had danced to in the beginning of the night, Damon couldn't help but smile to himself as he laid Emma down on the bed. She was still humming, but her eyes were closed. He brushed her hair out of her face carefully.

"Damon?" Emma called out to him and opened her eyes, smiling up at him.

"I'm right here," he assured her.

"Tonight was fun."


Damon stood up and started to take off his jacket, laying it carefully over a chair.

Emma let out a content sigh, "I wish it could be this easy all the time."

"Soon Em, I'm gonna make every single day this easy."

"We're supernatural, neither of us are going to die of old age. What's gonna happen when you get tired of me? Fifty years and fifty-hundred years are different."

Damon snorted out a laugh at Emma's inability to count, "I'm not going anywhere Em, even in fifty-hundred years you're gonna be stuck with me."

"What if I die when Bonnie pulls too much from me when she tries to kill Silas?"

"That's not gonna happen Em. Besides, I thought Silas had a Phoenix gem."

"He could be lying. I don't want to die Damon, I just got you back."

"No one, except Silas, is dying baby. Besides, if the veil is down, couldn't you just pass back through it?"

"I don't know."

Damon laid down on the bed and pulled Emma to him, he kissed the top of her head, "Nothing is going to happen, and if it does I won't be far behind you. So just wait for me before you cross over all the way."

Emma nodded slightly, "Okay."

Wayward Hearts: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now