Part 29

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 Emma had a massive pain in her stomach and her head. She looked down at her shirt, it was partially ripped open and bloody, she tried to move her hands in front of her but their was an instant sizzle of her skin as it touched the iron shackles on her wrist. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she could see that she was in the tunnels under Mystic Falls, she had been pinned to the wall with chains.

"I wouldn't move too much if I were you," a voice came from the corner of the room, Emma looked up and saw Stefan, "it took me a while to dig those bullets out of you."

"What the hell is going on?" Emma looked at him like he was crazy, "I thought you were back on vervain so Klaus couldn't compel you anymore. Is your humanity off?"

"No, not off, but I'm not who you think I am either," Stefan grinned at her.

Emma glared at him for a moment, "Well, you showed yourself as Gabe before, so I guess Metatron. You finally get tired of waiting for me to just learn how to use my power?"

The Stefan look-a-like gave Emma a confused look, "Metatron? That guy is a real dick, no. Try again."

"Silas?" Emma guessed quietly.

"In the flesh and blood," Silas seemed to gloat.

"So you like to parade yourself around as other people?"

Silas grinned evilly, "Something like that."

"What the hell do you want? My power?"

"Precisely, I need something I can draw on and you're almost as powerful as that Bennett witch."

Emma shrugged as best as she could, "Well, she has a lot more practice than I do."

"Well, right now she is busy completing my triangle, and she is going to have to draw on you slightly to complete that spell."

"She doesn't have anything of mine dumbass."

Silas back handed Emma across the face, but Emma refused to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.

"Remember your Phoenix ring? She never got rid of it; maybe she thought she would need a boost one day. Guess that day is now."

Klaus followed the map on his phone to the spot where they had determined that the last expression massacre was going to happen. Caroline kept trying to peak over his shoulder, he glared at her.

"I just want to see where we are," Caroline explained.

"You know, when we split up you did have the option of going with Stefan," Klaus said slightly annoyed.

Caroline scoffed, "Yeah? And leave Bonnie's life in your hands? Fat chance; do you even know how to read a map?"

"Yes, and do you know who taught me; my friend Magellan," Klaus alluded to his age.

"Wow! You had a friend. Was he drawn to your darkness, too?"

"Actually, I was referring to Damon and Elena when I said that, but clearly it struck a chord with you," Klaus looked pleased with himself.

"No way, Damon belongs with Emma," Caroline defended her friend, "it's also because it's not true, there is no allure to darkness."

Klaus stopped walking and turned to face Caroline directly, "Really? So you've never felt the attraction that comes when someone who's capable of doing terrible things for some reason cares only about you?"

"I did once, when I thought he was worth it," Caroline stood her ground, "but it turns out some people can't be fixed. People who do terrible things are just terrible people."

Klaus remained stone-faced as he processed Caroline's words, "We're here, although judging by the lack of witches, here is not the correct location."

Caroline looked around them, desperate to find some sign of Bonnie, when she saw none she began running at full vampire speed to the other end of where the triangle could be with Klaus close behind her.

Stefan was the one who found Bonnie and the coven of witches surrounding her, all of them chanting as Bonnie laid on the ground whimpering. Stefan ran to the middle of the circle to disrupt the ceremony.

"Stop, this isn't what you think it is," he pleaded with the coven leader Aja.

Aja glared up at him, "This is no place for a vampire."

"She's working for Silas," Stefan blurted out without thinking what the consequences may be.

"Silas?" Aja was suddenly interested.

Stefan nodded, "He brainwashed her to kill you."

Aja nodded and pressed her lips together, she pulled out a dagger.

Stefan's eyes were wide, "Wait! What are you doing?"

"If Silas has her, she is lost. We can't save her," Aja answered with conviction.

"Wait!" Stefan moved to pull Bonnie away from them.

Aja raised her hand and used her magic to knock Stefan back, he sat up holding his head in pain, "I have the power of twelve witches, you don't stand a chance!"

Stefan got control of himself and managed to get away from the circle just as Klaus and Caroline found them.

"They're linked, Bonnie is gonna kill them," Stefan told them, still slightly breathless.

"Not if the witches kill her first," Klaus grabbed Stefan and slammed him against a tree to prevent him from being able to stop the witches from killing Bonnie.

"Klaus we need to save her!" Caroline pleaded.

"How? The only way to stop the witches is to kill them, and then Silas gets what he wants," Klaus explained.

Aja held the dagger over Bonnie, "Spirts, take her soul. Free her from darkness."

Hearing Bonnie scream sent Caroline into overdrive, she sped over to Aja and pulled the dagger back, making it enter Aja's chest instead of Bonnie's.

"No!" Klaus shouted as he watched each witch fall to the ground dead.

Caroline looked around, shocked by what she had done. She knelt next to Bonnie and shook her shoulders slightly

"Bonnie! Bonnie! Are you all right?" Caroline looked for any signs of life in her friend.

Bonnie's eyes opened, they were pure white, and she grinned, "The triangle is complete."

Caroline backed away horrified as Bonnie fell back into an unconscious state. Stefan stepped over and picked up Bonnie.

"I'll take her home," Stefan said sadly, leaving Caroline to clean up her mess with Klaus.

At the Bennett household, Stefan laid Bonnie on her bed gently and sat patiently, waiting for her to wake up. After a few hours her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Stefan asked.

"What are you doing here?" Bonnie sat up and looked around her room in amazement, "How did I get here?"

Stefan raised his eyebrow in confusion, "What do you mean? I brought you home. Those witches almost killed you."

"What witches?" Bonnie took a deep breath.

"You don't remember?" Bonnie shook her head, "What ever those witches did must have messed with your mind."

"How did I get off the island?" Bonnie asked, her voice shaky.

Stefan moved so he was looking right at Bonnie, "What's the last thing you remember?"

Bonnie thought for a moment, "I guess I remember being in that cave, and Jeremy was trying to pry the cure out of Silas' hands. Please tell me he got it. We didn't get it, did we?"

Stefan couldn't look Bonnie in her eyes anymore, "Bonnie...there is something you need to know about Jeremy."

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