Part 36

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 Damon plopped down on the bed next to Emma, Emma was quick to regain her balance from the movement of the bed.

"So Kitty Kat is in there now, seeing what she can pull from Elena," Damon told her.

"One of you should be watching her, we all know by now that bitch has a motive behind everything she does," Emma cautioned.

Damon scoffed, "Elena is too weak. Besides, Stefan and Caroline are downstairs."

"In that case," Emma smirked as she crawled on top of Damon's lap and pushing him down on the pillows, kissing him softly.

"All that pain and torture, I've worked up quite a thirst," Katherine said from the doorway, startling Emma, she quickly moved off of Damon and sat on the side of the bed that faced away from the door.

"Ever hear of knocking?" Emma asked sarcastically while she adjusted her shirt.

Damon growled in frustration, "It didn't have anything to do with the fact that Elena called you out on your recent boy trouble, could it? Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear."

"Did you ever think Elena would've been better off if she'd never met you?" Katherine asked before smirking, "I mean, here you are breaking her heart by getting frisky with someone else."

Damon laughed as he stood up, "Are you trying to get a rise out of me? 'Cause my emotions are fine, guess you missed the memo about my amnesia clearing up."

Katherine sauntered over to him and reached up, she began playing with a strand of his hair, "Mm, so romantic, so doomed to fail. You know, as soon as she goes back to her old self, she'll go straight to Stefan. That's the tragedy of you, you never get the girl. Someone will come between you and Emma; again, and again, and again. Until ultimately you give up."

"Petty never did look pretty on you," Damon pushed her away from him.

Stefan came running into the room, "She's gone."

"What?" Damon glared daggers right at Katherine.

"Elena's not in her cell," Stefan explained, "I'm gonna check the grounds. Find out what she did."

"Oops, did I forget to lock her in?" Katherine pretended to be in just as much shock as they were, but quickly lost interest in that game, "Let's just say I've lost interest in Elena's recovery. I'd rather watch her tear through an orphanage. Imagine trying to come back from a spiral like that."

Damon shoved his way past Katherine and rummaged through a dresser drawer before he stormed downstairs and into the living room, Emma was right on his heels.

"Donovan," Damon pointed right at Matt, "you're coming with me."

Rebekah crossed her arms and stuck her nose up, "Why should he?"

Damon rolled his eyes, "Because Elena's hungry and missing. For once, his life might actually have purpose."

Emma smacked Damon in the arm for the off handed comment but he didn't react, he just motioned for Matt to follow him. Matt stood up and followed Damon and Emma out the front door.

"You trust me right?" Damon looked at Emma.

"Always," she smiled up at him.

As they approached the area where Elena was walking weakly down the road Damon had Matt drop him off at the side of the road before he continued approaching Elena. Elena tried to wave them down and she looked relieved when Matt stopped his truck, she stumbled and fell to the ground. Matt got out and began to approach her while Emma stayed in the truck.

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