Part 4

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 "Damon?" Emma called out as she entered the library of the Salvatore house where Damon was sitting and staring into the fireplace.

He glanced over his shoulder at her, "What do you want Em?"

"I'm worried about you," Emma said sincerely as she sat down on the chair across from him.

"Nothing to be worried about," Damon shrugged.

"Says the guy who has been acting odd all day long."

"Yeah, well, it shouldn't matter to you what I'm doing, you should be worried about the man you are marrying in the morning."

Emma shook her head and took a deep breath, Damon instantly recognized the action. It was something Emma would do every time she was trying to hold back an emotion, he watched as she blinked hard to force back a tear before she stood up.

"Good night Damon," she said before walking out of the room.

Damon's heart ached, he wanted to grab Emma in his arms and hold her close, he wanted to trails kisses along her cheeks and claim her lips, he wanted her.

In the morning Damon awoke to a knock on his door, "Mr. Salvatore, we need you outside please."

"Yeah," was all he replied as he rubbed his face with his hands, disappointed that he was still in 1864.

He got out of bed and put on the suit that had been hung on his armoire, perfectly pressed and cleaned by a maid. As he adjusted his tie in the mirror, his heart cracked slightly as he thought about what he was going to have to watch today. Even if this was some crazy dream or some trick, this was not something he wanted to witness.

Downstairs he obediently directed the decorating of the courtyard, just as he had been asked. As the morning passed he retreated more and more into himself, he kept running through all of the monsters that he had read about in the journals that Emma had shown him, trying to figure out what could be doing this to him.

"Son," Damon heard his father's voice and turned to face him, "it's time to head to the church."

Damon nodded and followed Giuseppe Salvatore without saying anything. He boarded the coach and looked out the window at the town of Mystic Falls as it passed.


Gabriel laughed slightly.

"Why did you lure her to you?" Dean asked.

"That was a happy accident," Gabriel smiled at Dean, "I was hiding out, got bored and decided to mess with the town a little. I figured, worst case, you and Sam would come find me. I never imagined I'd find a little baby bird."

"What do you want with her?" Dean said more aggressively, not happy that his question hadn't been fully answered.

"Uhh, super rare creature with untapped raw power," Gabriel shrugged, "I wanted to see how she would do in a few scenarios, maybe get her to control a little hell fire."

"You want her as a guard dog," Sam called Gabriel out on his cryptic answer.

"Bingo, Sam for the win," Gabriel winked, "however, she is no where near tamed enough for that."

"What did you do with Damon?" The fireplace behind Emma brightened as her anger grew, it only intrigued Gabriel more.

"See, who wouldn't want that," Gabriel pointed out.

Emma smirked and cocked her head to the side, she raised her hand towards the flaming circle Gabriel was trapped in, the flames became hotter and flew higher, "Where is Damon?"

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