Part 17

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 Emma walked out onto the dock, the sky was so clear she could see millions of stars. The cold, crisp air picked up a small mist from the lake, making it seem to have a small layer of fog. Emma closed her eyes and tried to make herself enjoy the moment, but the only thing she could think about, was how much Damon would add to it. She imagined he would wrap his arms around her waist to keep her warm, he would let his fingers twirl in her hair while he trailed kisses along her jaw and neck. Emma let out a sigh and opened her eyes, continuing to look up at the stars.

She began to hear the ringing sound again, it started softly, she thought it was the beginning of the crickets chirping. The sound became louder again, at first it was just an annoyance but it didn't take long for it to become painful and almost ear drum bursting. Emma started to walk back up to the house to get Sam or Dean, but the pain became to much and her legs felt like they gave out from under her, sending her falling onto the wooden dock, her hands desperately pressed against her ears, trying to drown out the sound. A scream escaped her as the sound got worse.

"Emma!" Dean yelled as he ran towards her, she let out another scream just as Dean reached her and was able to pick her up in his arms, "I got you."

As soon as Dean's feet hit the solid ground he felt Emma's body relax slightly. By the time they were inside the cabin she was able to take her hands away from her ears and open her eyes.

Sam's boots hit the stairs hard as he ran down them, "What happened?"

"The same thing that happened earlier," Dean explained as he laid Emma down on the couch.

"Can you still hear it?" Sam asked.

Emma shook her head slowly, "No, as soon as Dean was off of the dock it got quieter and then was gone by the time we were all the way in here."

"Looks like the old guy was right and we do have some sort of case to deal with while we are here," Dean said while keeping a watchful eye on Emma.

"Except he said something about the first week of June, it's barely spring yet," Emma pointed out.

"Have you ever heard any stories about the lake?" Sam asked Emma.

She shrugged and pulled out her phone to call someone.

"Hello?" Caroline's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey Care, do you know about any kind of ghost stories about Durham Lake? Any legends?" Emma asked.

"Not really, some people went missing a few years ago but they never found anything..." Caroline trailed off for a moment, "Oh, Elena's dad would never take us if it was the first week of June, but I don't know why."

"Thanks Care," Emma paused briefly before hesitantly asking, "how is everything?"

"Don't answer that!" Dean yelled from across the room.

"I agree with Dean," Caroline said from her end, "I know what you are really asking Emma, and you need to get that off of your mind and focus on you; and I guess now a monster thing you found."

Emma rolled her eyes, "Bye Caroline."

Emma hung up her phone and put it back in her pocket.

"Okay, so something happens in June," Emma crossed her arms.

"I'll grab my computer," Sam walked over to the kitchen table were his laptop bag was.

"Can you bring me my dad's journal?" Emma called over her shoulder.

Dean handed her the leather bound book that sat next to her bag on the counter.

Emma opened it up and began flipping through it, looking for anything he may have written about the lake.

A few hours past and no one had found anything, a knock on the door pulled everyone from their thoughts. Dean walked over and opened it up.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" Emma said as she leaned over the back of the couch to see who had arrived.

"Gotta teach Jeremy how to hunt so he can complete his mark," Matt explained as Jeremy stepped out from behind him, "but he needed to be away from as many vamps as he can, so he didn't go off the rails."

Jeremy rolled his eyes as he entered, "Professor Shane gave me a couple of lessons to help me learn to focus the energy else where."

"That's a start, but I still wouldn't trust that jerk," Emma crossed her arms.

Dean shook his head, "Go pack up Emmy."

"But we have a case to solve..." Emma began to argue, until she saw Damon enter the house.

"There is plenty of room here," Damon shrugged, "no reason we can't all enjoy the lake."

Dean watched as Emma's face went from slightly confused to pure heartbreak, he turned angrily to Matt, "The whole point of bringing Emma out here was to get her away from...what is going on."

Dean stole a glance at Emma again, the little bit of light that he had managed to steal back for her was extinguished instantly.

"It wasn't my call," Matt explained.

"And it's my house," Jeremy joined in the argument.

"I'll be fine Dean," Emma sighed, "as soon as we solve what ever is going on with the lake then we can go."

"What's going on with the lake?" Matt asked.

Emma shrugged, "Still not really sure, but something that is supposed to happen later in the year is happening now."

"The June thing?" Damon asked.

Sam looked up from his computer, "Yeah, you know anything about it?"

Damon shrugged, "Tourist avoid this area and no one goes on, in, or near the lake."

"Okay, but why?" Emma asked.

"I guess Jason Voorhees comes out to terrorize camp councilors," Damon smirked before walking up stairs.

Dean walked over to sit by Emma, "I don't like this."

"You never like anything," Emma rolled her eyes but turned back to Damon, "I need a serious answer on this."

Damon scoffed, "Look I really don't know, it's just the way it's always been, even since I was a kid."

"Do you think there would be something in the Gilbert journals?" Emma asked Jeremy.

"Probably, most of them are here," he pointed to a bedroom upstairs that Emma happened to be sleeping in, "you are more than welcome to look."

"Thanks," Emma said as she stood up and pushed past everyone to walk up the stairs to her room.

Dean let out a sigh of frustration and rubbed his face trying to recenter himself.

"Do any of you have any idea how much what happened affected her?" Dean glared at everyone in the room, "The Emma I know, is full of light, she is a badass bitch, and even in the worst of circumstances she can make you laugh."

Damon looked at Dean confused, "I don't understand, what is it that is affecting her?"

"None of your business, bloodsucker," Dean grumbled as he left the common area for his own room.

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