Damon nodded, not looking away from the many faces in the crowd, trying to find any doubles.

"We have a problem," Bonnie said as she approached him.

Damon looked at her curiously but followed when she motioned for him to follow her.

Bonnie had gathered Matt, Stefan, and Damon just outside the party and began telling them about her interaction with Silas.

"It was like Jeremy was there. I could talk to him, feel him," Bonnie said longingly.

Stefan shook his head, "Bonnie, that's what Silas does. You can't let him get to you again."

"Yeah, because you all crazy and brainwashed is just not a good look," Damon said, "now, someone come get me if anyone else who is definitely dead shows up."

Damon walked away, leaving everyone behind.

"Why am I just now finding out that it was Silas who took Em? " Matt said angrily.

Stefan sighed, "It's my fault, I thought she was just trying to work through some stuff and I wanted Damon focused on Elena's problem."

Matt scoffed in disgust and walked away back to the party.

"Sounds like everyone is having a wonderful time at the senior prom," Silas grinned at Emma, "I bet you would have look so beautiful in a ball gown, dancing with Damon."

Emma scowled at Silas but said nothing.

"I wonder what color you would have chosen, or more accurately, had chosen by Caroline, for you," Silas continued to mock, as he straightened a black tie that he was wearing, "anyway, I'm going to prom."

"Don't you think they will notice two Stefan's walking around?" Emma challenged him.

"Who said I'm going as Stefan?" Silas's face began to morph into Damon's, Emma watched, mortified at the magic.

Stefan found Damon staring at a photo of Emma that had come across the screen, she was in a cheerleading uniform and Matt's letterman jacket. Caroline had snuck it when she wasn't looking.

"Damon..." Stefan was about to ask if he had seen Elena but Damon interrupted him.

"My actions really affected her, didn't they?" Damon said sadly.

Stefan looked at the picture again, Emma's face looked shallow and her eyes were tired, "Yeah, at the beginning it was worse. If her nose wasn't in a book about angels and spells, she was busy trying to keep her eyes averted away from you. She didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around her, but everyone could tell it was killing her. That's when Caroline called Dean to take her to the lake house."

"I'm a little surprised he didn't stake me," Damon held back a chuckle.

Stefan smiled and nodded, "Yeah, you definitely deserve it. Emma is an amazing creature, and you just let all that raw power go to waste."

Damon turned around and looked at his brother confused.

"You know, it's amazing how she is able to keep it all bound up inside, even after you run her heart through the wringer time and time again. I'm shocked she never imploded," Stefan continued, "but that kiss, just before you left with Elena for New York? Tell me, what kinda kinky stuff did you and Elena get up to behind Emma's back?"

Damon sped at Stefan to attack him, an animalistic growl escaping him. Stefan held out a stake and shoved it through Damon's stomach, his growl turning to a groan.

"Your mind is a riveting place Damon," Stefan cocked his head to the side.

"Silas. Where is Emma?" Damon demanded.

Silas shrugged "That is for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot. Your brother is in the woods where I convinced him that I was you, he is probably in a lot of pain too. The witch and the Phoenix are mine, back off."

Silas patted Damon on the shoulder before walking away. Damon finally pulled the stake out and fell to his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He was finally able to pull himself together enough to stand and go look for Stefan in the woods.

"Stefan?" He called out and waited for a response.

"Yeah," Stefan groaned as he pulled a stake out, "I'm over here."

"Let me guess, an extremely handsome man came up to you claiming to be me?" Damon asked.

"Yeah," Stefan nodded.

"Yeah," Damon let out a breath of frustration.

A sudden sound of hundreds of car alarms and Bonnie screaming grabbed both vampire's attention. Both of them quickly stood and took off running in the direction they heard it coming from.

They arrived just in time to see Elena biting down on Bonnie's neck, but Bonnie overpowered her and pushed her off before raising her hand and using a spell to choke Elena. Elena began vomiting blood. The sound of Elena's bones beginning to break and Elena's shouts of pain were too much for Stefan.

"Bonnie! Stop!" Stefan stepped towards the witch, "Bonnie!"

"Damon, help me!" Elena cried out, Damon took a single step forward, unsure of how to fulfill her request.

"Bonnie you're killing her!" Stefan continued pleading.

Bonnie had a look of conviction, "I know what I'm doing!"

"That is the magic talking, this is your best friend," Stefan still worked to get Bonnie to stop.

"Damn it Bonnie!" Damon yelled at her while he bent down to asses Elena.

"Bonnie," Elena's voice was weak and there was almost a hint of fear in her eyes, "please."

Bonnie held Elena and death's door for a moment longer before finally ending the torture. She wiped the blood away from her nose and turned away.

"You okay?" Stefan asked Bonnie quietly.

Bonnie exploded in rage, "No, I'm not okay. I almost died. The shell of my best friend almost killed me. None of this is okay!"

She stormed away as Damon helped Elena to her feet, "I got you."

Elena pulled away from him and began staggering away, but before she got too far she stumbled and fell. Stefan caught her.

"Okay, woah," he said as he held her tight and pulled a syringe of vervain out of his jacket pocket, he stabbed it into Elena's back and she went limp, "plan B."

Stefan picked Elena up and took her to his car placing her in the passenger's side before turning back to Damon.

"Silas must be close still," Damon looked tense.

Stefan nodded, "Yeah, do you need help?"

Damon shook his head, "No, go lock her psychotic ass up and then go check on Bonnie. Silas needs both Bonnie and Emma to do what ever crazy spell he has brewing."

"How did he know that you wouldn't just kill Bonnie to stop her from killing Elena?" Stefan asked.

"Because the bastard has been in my head," Damon felt almost violated, "he knows I'm coming for Emma and I'll probably need someone like Bonnie to help."

Wayward Hearts: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now