Emma furrowed her brows trying to understand what Klaus was reading into as he began to speak Aramaic again, it took her a moment to understand but when she did her eyes widened.

"What does it mean?" Caroline asked as Klaus smiled at her, "Klaus...what does it mean?"

Caroline turned to Emma, hoping she had understood any of what he had said, she noticed Emma's expression.

"Emma, what did he say?" Caroline demanded.

Emma had a split moment to make a decision, "Just more bullshit about how dangerous Silas is."

Emma saw Klaus smirk out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but gulp nervously, knowing that the game she was playing could backfire very quickly.

"I better call them and give them the translation," Caroline said as she pulled out her phone and dialed a number before setting it to speaker.

"Hello?" Rebekah's voice came through the other side.

"Hey, it's Caroline. We have the translation of the tattoo," Caroline sat at the computer and began clicking, "we're emailing you pictures of the map and instructions right now."

"Got it, thanks," Rebekah said.

"Actually," Klaus interrupted from his spot, "it was me."

Rebekah sounded surprised, "Nik? You helped?"

"You sound surprised little sister," Klaus continued smiling.

"Shouldn't I be?" Rebekah challenged, "I mean, you don't want me to be human. You don't want any of us to be human. Why would you help us find the cure?"

Klaus sounded sincere for a moment, "Maybe I finally realized the longer I stand in the way of what you want, the longer you'll continue to hate me. Perhaps I want my sister to finally know happiness."

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me a hundred times," Rebekah sighed.

"No more fooling," Klaus assured her, "no more games. I hope you get to live, and die, as you wish."

"So do I," Rebekah said in a slightly happier tone than before.

"There is one more thing, Rebekah," Klaus smirked at Emma as her eyes grew wide, Caroline and Tyler looked up at him as he hurried to say what he needed to, "there is only one dose of the cure. You need to find it first and take it. It's the only way you'll-"

Tyler ran to end the call before glaring at Klaus. Caroline looked at Emma in shock before standing and following Tyler outside. Emma stayed where she was, standing in the corner of the room with her arms crossed as she looked at the ground in shame.

"Sorry love," Klaus smiled triumphantly, "just looking out for my little sister, you understand. But why didn't you just tell them the actual translation."

Emma put her head in her hands as she sat down on the floor, "I don't know, I guess I just hoped that who ever got to it first would be so excited they would take the dose without thinking and everyone would realize there was only one after the fact."

"Don't you want Elena to get it first?" He asked.

"I really don't care, she is only a frustration in my life; as soon as Damon remembers everything it won't matter," Emma sighed as the consequences of the actions began to run through her mind.

"But with the cure she would be in your way for far less time," Klaus pointed out.

Caroline walked into the living room area, oddly calm, but sad, "You can't kill Tyler."

Wayward Hearts: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now