Emma turned to Sam, who shrugged.

"Who killed them?" Emma demanded.

"I-I don't know, he was so fast," the girl continued crying.

"Thanks for nothing then," Emma said as she plunged her stake into the vampires heart before letting her drop to the floor dead.

"She was talking about Damon right?" Sam asked.

"I hope so," she replied as she walked out of the building and back into the sunny parking lot where Dean waited with the Impala.

"The only place left is the bar, but I haven't seen Damon or Jeremy," Dean said as they came out.

Emma looked at the bar just as Jeremy came running out to them, "That can't be good."

"It's Kol!" Jeremy yelled as he ran.

"Uh-oh," Emma backed up towards the Impala, "get in the car."

"Who's Kol and why are we afraid of him?" Dean crossed his arms.

Emma pushed him, "There is only one thing that can kill him and we don't have it."

Dean uncrossed his arms, "We have the Colt."

"Nope, gotta be a white oak stake or a special dagger," Emma continued pushing on Dean to get him to move.

Dean nodded, "Yeah, okay, get in the car."

Emma opened the door for Jeremy and climbed in the backseat with him while Sam and Dean jumped into the front.

"What about Damon?" Emma asked.

"He had the upper hand on Kol when I ran, he is probably fine," Jeremy answered.

Emma shook her head, "Probably isn't good enough for me."

"It is for me," Dean said as he stomped on the gas petal.

Emma shoved Dean's arm, "Turn the car around!"

"Not a chance in hell Emmy," Dean continued driving towards the highway.

"Damnit Dean, turn the damn car around!" Emma yelled.

"No, Emma!" Dean yelled back.

Jeremy grabbed Emma shoulder to stop her and picked up his phone, calling his sister.

"Elena is going to talk to Klaus," Jeremy assured Emma.

Emma rolled her eyes, "Oh, good, putting all my trust in my least favorite people."

"We are going back to the lake house, packing it up, and getting the hell out of dodge," Dean said as he pressed the petal down harder, "Damon can catch up later."

Emma sat back and listened as Jeremy told them how Kol had slaughtered all the new vampires so that Jeremy couldn't earn his hunter's tattoo.

"He doesn't want us waking Silas," Jeremy explained, "something about Silas bringing around the end of times."

"I would have to agree," Dean replied, "one apocalypse at a time."

Dean pulled the car up to the lake house, everyone hurriedly got out and ran to pack their belongings. Emma was the first one back to the car followed by Sam.

"Em," Sam looked at Emma worried, "Dean and I got a call from Jody last night."

"And you have to go," Emma shrugged, unbothered, "I don't need a constant babysitter Sammy."

"Dean and I talked it over, only one of us needs to go," Sam suggested.

Emma shook her head, "Just drop Jer and I back in Mystic Falls, I can take care of myself."

Wayward Hearts: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now