Damon stepped over to where Emma was kneeling and bent down to help her start to clean up the blood. Stefan entered the room with a concerned look on his face.

"Where is Jeremy?" Damon asked.

"School," Stefan sighed, "Bonnie has him volunteering for some occult exhibit."

"Or maybe he didn't want to linger in a house where his sister just jammed a knife in his neck," Damon said sarcastically.

"Speaking of, I need to get to school too," Emma stood up and started walking out the door, she turned around briefly, "I'll keep an eye on Jeremy, but you need to get whatever the hell is going on, under control."

Stefan nodded in agreement before Emma walked out the door.

It wasn't a long walk to school from Elena's house, and it provided Emma the time she needed to ponder on everything. She had begun to wonder if heading off to see Sam and Dean was a better option for her at this point.

As she was approaching the picnic area in front of the school Matt ran up to her, "Hey, I heard what happened this morning, is everything okay?"

Emma pointed up at Jeremy who was entering the gym, "Seems so."

When they came up behind Jeremy they noticed he was looking down at his hand.

"You okay?" Emma asked.

"Hey," he looked up briefly and then back down at his hand, "do you see anything on my hand?"

Matt shook his head while Emma looked at him with concern, knowing that she had avoided use of the resurrection ring this morning, but still wondering if what had happened to Alaric was starting to happen to Jeremy.

"What if I told you I saw the beginning of the mark like Connor's?" Jeremy looked up to Emma for reassurance.

"Are you serious?" Matt asked.

Jeremy nodded, "It showed up after he died. He told me that I was a potential, that that's why I could see his mark."

"So does that make you like, the next chosen one or something?" Matt asked, earning him an elbow to the ribs from Emma.

"It's a serious question," Matt defended but before he could say more April and a professor from Whitmore walked up to them.

"Hey guys," April greeted them, as she was carrying a large artifact and set it down on a table next to them, as did the professor.

"Well, don't let her do the heavy lifting. I found her wandering the hallways with this. Just teasing, I'm the guy who wrangles all the freaky stuff," the professor offered his hand out for Matt to shake, "Atticus Shane, please call me Shane, I beg you. Thank you guys for helping, I really appreciate it. You all get free admission to my free exhibit."

Professor Shane smiled before turning and walking away.

"Well, he is a bit..." Jeremy started but struggled for the right word.

"Odd," Emma finished for him.

"Hey, umm, have you guys seen Rebekah?" April asked, "She said she was gonna help me look into what caused the explosion at my dad's farm and then she just..."

"Disappeared, yeah, I know," Matt said disappointed.

Matt picked up a box of artifacts and walked away.

Emma's phone dinged at the sound of a text message coming through, she looked down at it, "Crap."

"What is it?" Jeremy asked.

Wayward Hearts: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now