"She can't do magic," Caroline pointed out.

Damon crossed his arms, "Really? Well, call her, tell her Jeremy's life is in danger; maybe that will bring her out of retirement."

Damon stormed out of the room, pushing his brother to the side as he past him. Emma glanced at Stefan before running after Damon. She found him at the miniature bar in Tyler's father's old office.

"Hey," Emma said as she stepped up behind him.

"Hey," Damon said quietly back before taking a sip of his drink.

Emma stepped up on her toes and kissed the side of his neck, finally able to bring a smile out of him as he turned around to face her. He used one of his hands to brush her cheek before he set his drink down and pulled her into a passionate kiss, he sighed as they pulled apart. Both of their hearts ached, knowing each kiss, each touch, each moment, could be the last.

Elena walked into the room, interrupting their moment, "Uh, hey, we are heading to Alaric's old apartment, since we can get a good look at the Grill from there."

Damon didn't bother to let go of Emma, he just nodded, "Right behind you."

Elena huffed but left the room.

Emma nodded, releasing Damon from her grasp, before walking out of the room. He stayed close as he walked down to his car. Emma took her place in the passenger's seat, as soon as Damon got in he grabbed Emma's hand and held it on his lap, as if holding on to her would make him never forget who she was.

Emma hadn't been inside of Alaric's apartment since his death, she hesitated at the door, but a strong squeeze on her hand and a reassuring look from Damon helped her step forward. The first thing that caught her eye when she entered was a picture of her and Alaric hung up on the wall, her mother had taken it at Emma's sixteenth birthday party. Alaric had pranked her by buying her a bright pink princess cake that was clearly meant for a five year old. The cake ended up being used as a weapon for a small food fight between the two of them and the picture showed the aftermath, both of them covered in pink and white frosting, hugging with huge, bright smiles on their faces.

Damon looked to what had caught Emma's attention, "I don't think I ever got to see him smile like that."

Emma nodded and smiled but looked down, knowing she needed to keep herself together, at least until all of her friends were safe again.

In the town square Stefan was on the phone with Klaus, forming a plan to keep the hunter alive, while Elena watched blissfully unaware of what was going on.

"Who do you think he was talking to?" She asked Damon while he started rooting around the apartment, looking for all of Alaric's weapons.

Damon shrugged, "Bonnie hopefully, maybe she decided to make herself useful again."

Damon found a map and spread it out on the coffee table .

"What is that?" Elena asked.

"It's our way in," Damon smirked, "courtesy of Alaric Saltzman's interest in the Mystic Falls Underground Railroad."

"Tunnels?" Emma traced one that led towards the Grill, "Just like under the old Lockwood cellar."

"Yep," Damon confirmed as he took a quick picture of the map with his phone.

Elena's phone began to ring, it was Stefan, so she put it on speaker phone.

"What did you find out?" Elena asked.

Wayward Hearts: Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora