"Hey Emma, you do still have your anti-possession amulet right?" Sam asked after Dean got finished telling Damon a story about an entire town being possessed by demons.

Emma turned around and fished a necklace that was under her shirt out and showed him, "Of course."

"You know, you don't need that anymore, I don't think a demon could even get close enough to you now to posses you," Dean pointed out.

Emma turned back to the pie and popped it in the oven before joining the men at the table, "Good point, I'll have to find someone to give it to."

The group continued story telling, but this time it was Damon who did most of the talking, telling the new friends and Emma stories of the past, though he omitted a lot of murder sprees.

At the ding of the oven Dean sat up, "Yes!"

Emma got up and pulled the pie out, "Dean, we both know that if you cut into this right now it is going to turn into mush."

"So?" He got up and tried to grab a knife from a drawer behind Emma but she blocked him.

"Are you really going to hurt my mother's memory by destroying the damn thing," Emma gave him a puppy dog look.

"Ah come on, that's not fair Emmy," Dean complained, "we agreed that you weren't allowed to do that face anymore."

As they argued Damon turned to Sam, "Do they always bicker like this?"

"Everyday that ends in Y," Sam shrugged as he watched Emma block Dean again, "her mom would literally kill her if she was alive, she never wanted this life for her kids."

"Who would?" Damon scoffed.

"My old man," Sam answered, "he was hell bent on revenge on a demon that killed my mother. Dean and I grew up in this life, Emma did too, but it was an accident that she even found out about it."

"Really? She said that her parents taught her," Damon was intrigued.

Sam nodded, "Her Uncle Bobby was like a surrogate dad for Dean and I, so we spent a lot of time together growing up; well one summer she was at Bobby's with us while our dads were working together to solve a vampire problem that a town nearby was having. Well, one followed them home and no one noticed until that night when Dean woke up and heard one stalking the area; Dean of course wanted to take the thing on by himself. It overpowered him and he dropped his stake, well, luckily Emma was big into Dracula; anyway so she put two and two together and staked the damn thing before it got it's teeth into Dean."

Damon's eyes were wide as he listened to the story, "How old was she?"

"Eight" Emma answered, she had stopped fighting with Dean when she heard the story that Sam was telling.

Dean stood behind Emma with a slice of the pie on a plate and a fork in his hand, he grinned happily as he stabbed a piece of apple, "Yup, that was a bad day for my ego."

Damon looked at Emma in a new light, she was much stronger that he could ever have imagined, not just physically, but mentally. Emma noticed Damon staring at her and her cocked her head to the side as if to ask 'what'. Damon shook his head in response and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Take care of yourself Emmy," Dean said as he hugged Emma outside the bunker.

"Promise next time something big happens you'll call me?" Emma asked.

Sam crossed his arms, "If what Gabriel said holds any truth, I don't think we are going to have a choice."

"Bad guys don't stand a chance against an indestructible Phoenix," Emma flexed her arms jokingly.

Dean pointed at Damon, "Take care of her, or I'm taking care of you. Got it bloodsucker?"

Damon scoffed, "I got this."

Emma quickly hugged Sam before she jumped into the passenger's seat of Damon's Camaro. Damon climbed into the driver's side and grabbed her hand in his as soon as the car was in drive and they were on the highway.

As they past the sign that welcomed them to Mystic Falls it was past midnight and they both sighed a sigh of relief.

"I feel like I could sleep like the dead," Damon joked.

Emma laughed.

The Salvatore boarding house was quiet and dark as they pulled into the driveway, both of them were grateful for the chance to save the typical drama for the morning. Damon turned the car off and led Emma inside without bothering to unpack the car. Upstairs they both undressed and plopped into the bed, Damon pulled Emma into his arms and they were both quickly asleep.

Emma woke to heavy breathing next to her, when she looked, she saw Damon. His fangs were bared and he was staring at her intently.

"Damon, what are you doing?" Emma asked quietly, her heart was beating hard against her chest.

Damon began to crawl across the bed towards her, as if he was stalking prey.

"This isn't funny Damon," Emma scooted away from him slightly.

Before she could move again, Damon rushed forward and clasped onto her, his fangs hovering over her skin. Emma let out a scream as his teeth punctured the nape of her neck. The sound of Emma in pain seemed to shake Damon out of his trance, he released her and she fell back and off of the bed. Her hand covered the fang marks in her neck and blood dripped down her hand.

"Em?" Damon said, his eyes wide and in shock, he wiped his mouth and saw blood "Oh my god!"

Damon got off of the bed and kneeled next to Emma, he reached for her but she backed away from him, he had never seen her look so terrified.

"Emma? Damon?" Stefan yelled out as he barged into their room, he looked down and saw both of them on the floor, "What happened?"

Emma's voice was shaky as she kept eye contact with Damon, "H-He attacked me."

Damon looked at Emma in shock, "No, what? Why would I do that?"

"Get away from her," Stefan growled as he stepped forward between Emma and Damon.

"I didn't, I mean, I don't remember; Em I would never..." Damon stumbled over his words as he tried to comprehend what was happening.

"How could you not remember doing this?" Emma lifted her hand to show a bloody neck, the wounds were healed, but the blood was still wet.

Stefan reached for Emma and she let him help her to her feet, before he asked, "Can vampires sleep walk?"

"It's a first for me," Emma shrugged before she walked into the bathroom to wash the blood off.

Stefan turned to Damon who was sitting on the bed, "You really don't remember doing that?"

"Hurting Emma is the last thing I would do," Damon shook his head in disbelief.

"This isn't some sex game that got out of hand, she isn't misunderstanding something, right?" Stefan asked.

"No," Emma answered as she came back from the bathroom and tossed a blood covered towel in the hamper, "we were sleeping, I woke up to Damon literally breathing down my neck."

"Maybe we should call Bonnie, see if she can get a read on anything going on," Stefan suggested.

Emma nodded in agreement and looked sadly over to Damon, he looked at her helplessly, "Em, I'm so sorry, you know I would never do that."

She pressed her lips together and looked down at the floor, unsure of what to say.

Wayward Hearts: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now