Non-aggression Pack

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Upon arrival I was greeted by Heimdall, he looked rather unconfutable in my presence. Which is to be expected, I sacred his ruler after all.

 Asgard is a good looking place though it would be better if everything was not made of gold. It seems Heimdall was ordered to take me to the throne room as well.

This rainbow bridge really is nice, I wonder if I should build something similar back at the underworld

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This rainbow bridge really is nice, I wonder if I should build something similar back at the underworld.

I should probably make some small talk while we are going there.

Goetia: Heimdall, are their any entity's that I should look out for while here?

Heimdall flinched when he heard my voice, am I really that intimidating? I don't care either way 

Heimdall: y- You might want to look out for Loki Sir, he likes to cause mischief.  

The cunning god of mischief? he could be useful for my plans

Goetia: I see

We arrived at the the throne room and there was Odin sitting on his throne, which I hate to admit is better that lucifer's, ill build a better one when I go back to the castle. To his left and right is Frigga and Thor respectively , but there is someone new to Thor's right.

The man next to Thor has green hair that falls to his neck with with pale bangs on the left side of his face, purple eyes and a black and blue outfit. He can be called disturbing 

Odin: Welcome to Asgard, we trust you have destroyed Niohogg?

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Odin: Welcome to Asgard, we trust you have destroyed Niohogg?

Goetia: Of course, it was but a game to my child. Now lets finished what I came here for.

Odin signaled his servants to bring the contract to which they obliged and handed it to me. It basically stated that we would not attack each other our get in the way of the others endeavors. This is what I wanted. Gaining power from the evils of the factions is a bonus, having an entire faction not able to stop my plans is the true goal.

Goetia: This is good, lets get to it.

With that they both signed the contract.

Odin: Now you can either stay in asgard for a while and enjoy the foreing cultrue or you can leave through the Bifrost.

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