The Norse

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The Norse faction will be the easiest to work with so I will start with them.

Goetia: Children, come to the throne room.

Almost instantly they all appear before me.

Primordials : How may we be of service, Lord Goetia?

Goetia: In order to increase our power and experience I have decided to make a organization. The public goal of this organization is to 'destroy all evil'. We will offer our services to the factions in exchange for favors. We will start with the Norse, do you have any concerns?

They exchanges looks before shaking their heads.

Goetia: Good, I want Diablo to come with me.

Diablo: I will not fail you my lord.

Goetia: Of that I have no doubts, lets go!

Both of us teleported to Earth or more accurately Norway. Like most factions their is only one way to reach their home, the Bifrost. Which is guraded by the all-seeing Heimdal.

Goetia: HEIMDAL! I seek an audience with your king!

POV change (Heimdal)

I am currently watching the 9 realms from the Bifrost with someone called to me.

I am currently watching the 9 realms from the Bifrost with someone called to me

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HoHo interesting its been a long time since someone's been this brazen. Who are those those two anyway, the one wearing the butler outfit has power similar to a major god. But the other one....

Just looking at him I can tell he is not one you can define by logic or reason, his power is a like a gluttonous Beast that devours all without discrimination  . I must tell Odin of these two immediately.

I teleport before Odin's throne room before nocking. 

-3rd Person-

Within the throne room their were 3 people. One has black long hair with only 1 eye and looks to be in his 50s, his one eye has yellow iris and black sclera, on his shoulder are two ravens 1 black and other white. He is Odin, the All-Father. He is sitting on his throne

 He is sitting on his throne

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