Chapter 10

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While they were shaking hands they heard someone calling Ohas.

Listening that Ohas turned behind and Gia looked straight, to see, the man whom she saw at other night.Thats it!! by seeing him her eyes got wide and immediately she started sweating with fear.

Whereas Ohas was glaring at his friend Aryan for interrupting him when he was with his girl.For the first time he was trying to have a normal conversation with her and here he came before he get started , swearing him under his breath for his perfect timing he called
"Aryan" gritting his teeth.

For that Aryan gave him a teasing smile and stood in front of him and whispered

"What are you doing with a girl buddy? and moreover why you look displeased seeing me here.... hmmm am I interrupting something".

When Ohas heard that he threw him a angry glare and said

"Yes my dear buddy you interrupted something way more important to me and now you got to know that so please leave me alone"

"Achha something way more important to you and that to with a girl ..." Aryan uttered with amused glint in his eyes.Because this is the first time his friend is sending​ him back and looking angry at him for no reason and that to when he is with a girl .All other times he would just ask him to join them but this time it is different. Why? Is it for that girl, thinking that he came forward and stood beside him to look at her.

When he saw her he instantly remembered her .

On the other hand Gia was looking at both of them with fear and with shock. She don't know what to think by knowing that Ohas knows that killing man. She is displeased thinking that Ohas must be also that kind of man as they know each other.
She was thinking whether Ohas is that kind of person or not and thinking of all scenarios​ with what if's.When Aryan came forward and looked at her she got paled .By looking at him she understood that he recognized her and thinking of that she feared more and immediately she looked down not wanting to see him more.She started cursing her fate for bringing​ her infront of him again.This time he will surely kill me or maybe he came here by searching me to kill , OMG I'm done ,I'm really done for this life.

Here Ohas was seeing them with confusion because he saw how she got paled seeing him and moreover how his friend was smirking towards her with a teasing glint in his eyes . Seeing his friend seeing her like that he got frustrated and fisted his hands.But somewhere in his mind he concluded that they have met before. He is even getting jealous, thinking she may have got attracted to him. Uhhh !! Why? Why he have to come now only and disturb all this ..... Why I am getting jealous to my friend? Anyway first I have to know how they both met and what happened between them that she is looking like that ,then I can think about ways to pursue her.hmm it's good .


Aryan turned towards him and raised his eyebrows.

"Give me a minute then we can go together until then you can wait in the car"

Aryan gave him a teasing smile and left.

Ohas saw Aryan going out of the door then he turned towards Gia who was looking at him only. He gave a small smile and said

"Gia... It was nice meeting you and I hope next time we can meet properly"

Gia gave a full smile and chuckled at his last sentence " I hope too"

Again giving a smile to her he turned and left to his car to interrogate his friend.

Hey guys
How are u all
It's been long time right ,I'm extremely sorry for that😔
And please don't forget to share your opinion on this chapter.

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