Start from the beginning


Dani was jogging in the forest in the dark when something jumped out at her from behind a bush. She screamed as the ''thing'' grabbed her and pushed her against a tree. It was a boy in a mask. He had painted his face and made a mask out of twigs and leaves to hide his face

Dani wanted to scream again, she was a tough girl but even she had her limits. The boy looked scary and she felt scared of him, whoever he was

''Take your mask off you idiot'' she hissed ''Show me your face''

But the boy didn't take his mask off, instead, he just stared at Dani

''Well at least speak you, coward!  At least let's talk!''

But the boy didn't talk he stayed silent

''Too scared to talk? too scared to show your face? Could be because you know you'll be for the high jump with Jack when he hears about this silly little prank? He won't find it funny that one of you scared me like this, right, so why even do it, to begin with?''

The silent, masked, boy ran his fingers through Dani's heir and then began to touch her breasts

''You pervert!'' she said and then tried to pull his mask off, they struggled and he restrained her


The attacker pushed her against a tree and tried to pull her knickers off, it was quite clear what his intention was. But Dani wasn't the kind of girl to submit and let a man or a boy rape her, she fought back like a lioness

''I'LL KILL YOU, YOU MORON!'' She screamed and tried to grab his balls. He tried to strangle her, he got his hands around her throat and she kicked him in the balls and he screamed in pain and let go. She backed away and he tried to attack her again  She kicked and punched him and pushed him away and ran off into the forest

Then she slipped and fell over and banged her head and everything went black

The three littluns who were undergoing punishment were beginning to struggle with their three hours of painful kneeling

''Sir please have mercy'' one of the small boys said ''please we've learned our lesson now Sir ''

''No no no you must complete the full length of time you know I will not give you any time off'' Jack said

Roger, Henry, and Jason returned from a walk and Jack looked angry

''You three were gone way longer than I said you could'' he said ''Where were you for so long boys?''

''We're sorry Sir, we lost track of time'' Roger said ''but we caught some squirrels so we weren't wasting time Sir''

The boys showed Jack the meat they had caught and he softened and looked pleased

''Well done boys!'' he said proudly

Jack was looking towards the dark forest and getting worried 

''Did any of you see Dani on your travels?'' he asked ''she has been gone a while and I am a little worried now''

''No Sir we did not see her anywhere'' Jason said 

''Wake up, wake up Dani'' the concerned boy said and was shaking Dani while she was lying on the ground

Dani woke up feeling dizzy and sat up. She took a moment to remember what had happened, a boy in a mask had attacked her and when she escaped she had slipped and hit her head and been knocked unconscious. Then she screamed in terror, a dark figure was standing over her, bending down

''Look please'' she said ''If you hurt me you'll answer to King Jack later and you know it''

''I'm not going to hurt you I'm trying to help you'' a familiar voice said, soft and kind. It was Ralph  

''I heard you screaming and when I came to look I saw you running and I saw you fall and hit your head'' he explained and sat beside her ''what the hell happened?''

''Some creep in a mask attacked me that's what happened'' she said angrily

''You're kidding, that's awful''

''Well it's ok I got away from him anyway, he didn't get his way''

''Well, what a relief to hear that. I really was very worried about you''

''Hang on a second'' Dani said and began to stare at Ralph with suspicion and hostility ''How do I know that it wasn't you who attacked me?''

''Oh come on now, look I know you hate me because of Jenny but you don't seriously think I attacked you do you?''

''Why not? I don't know what you're capable of anymore since you lost your mind and it's funny how you turn up like this right after I was attacked''

''Look I was out in the forest collecting nuts and berries for Simon and me and I heard you that's all, come on Dani you know I didn't attack you''

Ralph tried to hug her and she pushed him away and stood up

''You wait until I tell Jack about this'' she said harshly ''he'll kill you''

''Oh come on, I didn't do it I swear''

Damni didn't want to listen anymore, she turned and ran off, in a hurry to get back to Jack and safety. As she was running she thought about it, did she really believe that Ralph had attacked her? She wasn't sure but she had decided to put the blame on him anyway. She hated him for her sister's death and now she was hellbent on revenge

Jack was relieved when she arrived back to the warmth and safety of the campfire and the tribe

''I was worried about you, I was about to set out to look for you'' he told her ''what happened?''

Dani did something she was good at doing when she wanted to manipulate someone, she turned on the tears

''I was attacked by one of the boys!'' she sobbed and Jack hugged her and was instantly angry

''Who was it? I'll kill him!''

''It was Ralph!''

JACK THE KING (Lord of the Flies reimagined)Where stories live. Discover now