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"Hey Tom-Tom!" I grin as I enter my house, I hadn't felt this happy in a long time but everything seemed to be going well for once. I scoop the toddler up with ease and take him to the kitchen where I find his mother. "Hey Gayle." She's pleasantly surprised by my warm greeting as she looks up from the pan she was stood over.

"Hey why don't you go and sit down and I can finish this off?" She's surprised again, "really?" I nod and seat Tommy in his high chair. "Yeah me and Tommy can handle it, can't we?" He agrees with me and tells his mom to leave making me laugh.

"I miss flash." Tommy mumbles to himself taking me by surprise, "you do?" He nods as he pouts. "Flash said he was my bestest friend." He tells me with the cutest sigh. "Yeah I miss him too." I also sigh before shaking my head, realising I should probably comfort the child instead. "But I talk to him all the time, he tells me that even though he's having lots of fun he misses us a lot, especially you Tom Tom." His face lights up. "He didn't forget about me?"

"He could never."


Later on that afternoon I call Tommy to my room for a surprise. "Are we watching another movie?" He asks once he spots my laptop open and turned on. I just usher him over and  lift him up into my lap after he waddles up to me.

"What are we doing?"
"Just wait a second."

"Tommy! Hey little man." Tommys face completely lights up after flash answers the video call, "flash! You remember me!" Flash laughs making me grin as I watch the two converse with one another.

Once Tommy leaves to find his mom, I turn to flash with a genuine smile, "thanks for doing this, I know that you're probably busy and stuff-"

"Hey are you kidding? I'm never too busy for my favourite girl, it's actually been so hard not seeing you everyday, I'm missing you like crazy." Instantly my cheeks are burning at his words. "I miss you too, now I have no one to force my favourite tv shows on." He laughs making me smile, I didn't realise how much I had truly missed him.

"How's college?" I ask wanting to know that he's doing good, "it's still early days obviously but I'm actually loving it so far." I'm really happy for him but a part of me wishes he was back home and that we were back in high school, back when things were normal.

"What about you? Have you changed your mind about not going to college yet?" He asks and I shrug, "I'm not sure yet, I mean once my mom comes home I'm sure she'll push for me to go."

"Oh but speaking of my mom, I've got to go and pick her up soon so I should probably get going but you have to promise that this is gonna be a regular thing." I say to flash who nods enthusiastically, "of course, if I had the time this would be a everyday thing."

"Love you Eugene."
"Love you too Myra."


When I get to the hospital I laugh when I see my mom perched on the edge of her bed, she's all ready to leave with her bags by her feet. "Mom I wasn't supposed to come for another hour, how long have you been sat like this?"

"From the moment I woke up." I shake my head and kiss the side of her head, "alright let me go get a nurse to see if we can discharge you early." I say making her smile up at me.

I'm back quick as a flash to see she hasn't moved an inch. "She said she'd bring you the papers and then we could go." I shrug settling into the chair across from her. I wince as I see my mum begin to pull at the wires and such that kept her hooked up to all the machines. "Mom just wait for the nurse. She'll do all this properly once she comes." I say grabbing her hand to stop her.

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ