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I begin the walk home, my emotions a mixture of anger and sadness. Sure Peter was just hurting now and maybe he didn't mean what he said but he said it and his words hurt. I did focus on others to forget about my own life that was falling apart, I just didn't know other people knew that too.

"Shit." I mumble to myself as I see the two obviously intoxicated men making their way towards me. I curse myself for being distracted and I curse Peter for being the reason that I was distracted. I try and keep my head down to just walk past them without attracting any attention but that obviously fails once they whistle at me.

"Hey girlie." Fuck me I should've taken the car. "Girlie." I sigh before looking up not wanting to anger them by continuing ignoring them. "Hey." One thing my dad had always told me was, that if someone ever tried to intimidate you, you shouldn't ever show them you were scared. It gave them all the power and so I stuck to that.

"What's in the bag?" I shrug as I keep walking, "school work." In reality I was freaking the hell out, I had money in my bag but I couldn't give that up no matter what, my mom needed it.

"Give us the bag." I shake my head as the force me to stop walking by blocking my path. "No, why do you want a school girls bag, there's nothing valuable in here unless you wanna do my trig for me?" They laugh making me feel a bit better. "You're funny," the first one says before his face becomes serious. "Give us the bag."

"We won't ask you nicely again." I stop a second and assess the situation, could I run? Maybe I was fairly athletic enough that I could probably turn and run back to May' or Anna's.

Fuck it, I wasn't giving this money up so I guess we'd have to see if I made it.

"Hey!" They yell taking off after me as I sprint like my life depended on it, which it very well did. Maybe I had overestimated on my abilities because with the way the three of us were running it did not seem like I was going to get away, but it was too late to stop now.

Yep I was massively wrong, the first guy tackles me to the ground making me groan as the impact is harsh and I feel my body bruising already. "Look I don't wanna hurt you."

"Then don't." I beg, "just give me the bag." He's pleading with me too, before his friend catches up, "I can't, I need it, my mom is sick, and it's just me and her, this is all I have." I say holding the bag to my chest tightly as he curses.

"Ok go, run and don't stop, I'll buy you some time just-" we're out of time, his friend has joined us, "little bitch." He spits at me as he throws a punch, it sends me back to the ground. "Yo, come on she's just a kid, lets just-"

"Shut up!" He practically screams and I already know it's over for me no matter what I do, he's way too angry to think rationally, I was so dead. "You think you're smart?" He asks stomping over to me and lifting me up by my hair making me cry out in pain, "ok, that's enough Johnny," the one who'd been a bit nicer steps forward and tried to pull his friend off me only to get knocked out with one swift punch.

"No one to help you now." Johnny laughs making me glare at him, he was slow if I could get back up I could get away. He steps back towards me making me spring into action, I raise my legs and kick pretty hard toward his nether regions and smirk at his reaction. "Fuck you," I say getting up, my only mistake is reaching for my bag because it gives him the opportunity to grab my wrist.

He's spitting out all sorts of verbal abuse at me as I fight his grip and pull myself free only to end on the ground once more. "Hey! Get away from her!" Peter?

I look up to see it's not Peter. It's the spider guy from the news, but he sounds just like Peter Parker. I undoubtedly would recognise his annoying voice anywhere, especially since he'd just been shouting at me this way back at his house. I look up to see him fighting the guy with ease and he's being witty as he does so.

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Where stories live. Discover now