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"Graduation is next week, how do you feel?" Gayle smiles at me from across the table, "good, I feel great actually I managed to maintain my gpa and I'm really happy about that." Her smile grows and she nods, "I'm so proud of you Mj, I know mom would be too." I'd never craved approval from my older sister before so I didn't usually cherish her words like I was doing right now.

"Hey I'm going to visit her today, do you wanna come with?" I hesitate before shaking my head, "no, that's alright I need to see Anna today but I can watch Tommy if you want?" She never hesitates in accepting my offer to babysit, most days she didn't even wait for my response after declaring that I would be watching her son. I didn't mind, I loved Tommy but sometimes being ambushed like that could freak me out considering how busy my schedule had been the past few months.


"Come on Tom Tom we're going to see Anna."  Aunt Anna had thankfully stopped the incessant drinking and sorted herself out after she'd been fired from her job. She was doing much better now though  and had already found a new job, I still went over to make sure that she was ok. Even if she wasn't drinking she still needed me and I didn't mind that either.

"Hey Peter." I nod in acknowledgment as he's leaving his house and I'm approaching the one beside it. "Mj." I have to refrain from sticking my middle finger up at him. That was really all our interactions had come to recently, well after he'd gotten back together with Gwen. I was hurt at first when he'd suddenly shut me out but that was stupid. I never needed Peter or his stupid friendship anyways.

Peter and I we were hard to explain, anytime it seemed like things were working out between us something always derailed it and I always ended up angry at him. The anger never really lasted long and most often faded to a faint sense of annoyance in which he reciprocated. I should've cut my losses with him ages ago but for some reason the two of us always ended up friendly again, even if it could sometimes last for only a few days.

I shake him from my mind as I enter my second home and see his aunt sat with mine. "Hey aunt Anna, aunt may." I greet making the two beam, especially when their eyes land on the two year old in my arms.

They fawn over the two of us for a while before the two tell me that I could go out if I wanted to and that they were more than happy to watch Tommy because I should've been enjoying my last week of highschool with my friends.

And so that's how I found myself at the park, "hey Lucas!" Flash turns around at the sound of my voice and shakes his head with a huge grin as he runs over to me. "What've I told you about calling me that?" He asks me. "That you love it?" I shrug with a laugh, "you're lucky that I like you Mj." He says making me smile up at him until I realise that we most likely didn't have long left together.

"What's up?" He asks noticing my change making me shake my head, "nothing." I murmur but he doesn't believe me, "come on Mj."

"I'm gonna miss you." His smile drops too, I hated that flash was going to leave and that I knew that I had feelings for him but it was way too late to do anything about that. "Hey you don't know that I'm moving away yet, they could reject me and then I'd be closer to home and you wouldn't have to miss me."

"Of course you're gonna get in." His smile returns at that, it's a soft one this time, "and you'll still be my favourite person in the world even if I did move."

"You say that but you'd find a new favourite person." He shakes his head, "could never happen, they would never beat you." I nudge his shoulder with mine and shake my head, "you're such a sweet talker Eugene." 

"I mean every word Myra." I don't reply with words this time, instead I wrap my arms around his torso and rest my head on his chest. He doesn't say anything either and instead holds me until I'm ready to let go.

Kinda short we'll be getting into tasm 2 next :)

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