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After a visit to my mom and a celebratory dinner I was all ready for Betty's party.

"Yay you're here!" I just shake my head as she pulls me into her house and I see the party already in full swing. I loved parties but I hadn't been to one in what felt like forever due to my busy schedule.

"What's this?" I ask after she places a red solo cup in my hands, she shrugs and I eye it wearily making her roll her eyes, "I poured it don't worry, I just don't know which bottle I grabbed." That's good enough for me to down the thing and move on.


"Mj?" I turn from the game of beer pong I'd been playing to see flash, "flash! You came?" His brows furrow and he doesn't match my excitement. "Are you drunk?" I shake my head even though that may be a bit of a lie.

"Uh ok, can I speak to you for a second?" He glances unsurely at the drink in my hand but doesn't say anything as I follow him to a quieter part of the house.

"What's wrong?" He looked really nervous, "I'm leaving tomorrow. I got into the summer program and I have to go tomorrow to get settled in." He watches me expectantly but I don't say anything, my heart hurts I don't want him to leave but I can't stop him, not when I want him to go out and excel in life.

"Mj?" I nod, "oh cool." That's all I can come up with before downing the rest of the bitter liquid in my cup, I crush the plastic into a deformed ball before letting it drop to the ground and turning to search for another.

"Mj?" Flash is calling after me, he'd picked my discarded cup and was following me. "Mj I don't think you should drink anymore." He says after we make it the kitchen and he watches me down two more cups before reaching for another.

"I don't think you should tell me what to do." He looks taken aback but I don't care in the moment, I want another drink. "I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just looking out for you." He tells me softly, placing his hand on my wrist. "Well you don't need to anymore do you?"

"Ok Myra I really think you've had enough." He says reaching to pull another cup from me. "No!" I don't loosen my hold on the plastic which ultimately ends in me spilling it all over myself.

"Just leave me alone!" Flash looks confused like he doesn't know what to do. He turns and sees someone that makes him relax as he calls them over. I wipe my face as I feel tears run across my cheeks and curse at seeing that it's Peter approaching.

He looks different, in a sad sort of way, his shoulders are hunched as though he were carrying the weight of the world upon them and his eyes looked slightly red as though he'd been crying.

I presume that he and flash are talking about me, due to the way they'd glanced at me a few times and the concerned look on the both of their faces. I roll my eyes and pour myself another glass, they were being so dramatic right now, I was completely fine.

"Hey Mj, I'm gonna go now but I'll come see you tomorrow, before I leave." Flash says with a sad shrug before he forces a smile at me and leaves.

"Great, he asked you to babysit me?" I ask turning to Peter who shakes his head, "I have better things to do than babysit you."

"Yeah right." I scoff making him sigh, "can we please just go?" He asks making me shake my head, "I'm not going anywhere, not with you. If you want to leave feel free, you know where the door is."

"Please do not be difficult tonight Mj, I really don't know if I can handle it." I roll my eyes once more and turn back to the drinks selection. "Ok no, I'm cutting you off. You've had enough." I glare at Peter as he catches my wrist and pulls me towards him and way from the table.

"No more alcohol." He repeats as I continue glaring at him, "some indication you can hear or understand what I'm saying would be nice."

"Oh bite me Parker."
"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

I roughly push past him and try to find a way to enjoy myself. "Mj we're going home." He says still following after me making me groan in annoyance. "Why are you being such a buzzkill? I'm not going anywhere with you." Now it's his turn to get annoyed.

"Mj come on I'm not kidding, it's getting late and I'm not leaving you here alone."

"Oh my god Peter go and bother Gwen or something." It looks like I've hit a nerve.

"Gwen and I broke up."
"That's a shame, can't say I blame her."

He looks at me before he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. "What the hell peter?" He ignores me as I shout profanities at him and only lets me down once we reach my car. "Give me your keys." He demands making me match his glare and I cross my arms stubbornly. "No."

"Mj give me your keys, you can't drive."
"Give me the keys."
"Did you not hear me when I asked you not to be difficult?"

I don't reply making him sigh, "ok I guess we're walking." I shake my head, "I'm tired I don't wanna walk." He looks beyond annoyed at the moment. "Well give me your keys then, I can drive us." I almost want to give in because of the way my legs were beginning to feel like jelly.

Instead I had decided to not give up, I had chosen this as my hill to die on and my stubbornness was not to be messed with, I would always follow through with whatever I said, even if I really didn't want to.

And so with that I turn and begin walking down the street. "Other way." He shouts after me making me turn and head back in the correct direction.


"Peter, I'm really tired." I complain for what must be the thousandth time making Peter roll his eyes at me, "well if you'd just given me your keys we could've been home already."

"Well I didn't wanna give you the keys, it's my car."
He shakes his head and doesn't say anything until I complain again. "Alright I can't take anymore of this, get on my back."

"Get on my back."
"Myra I swear to god I will leave you here on the side of the road."

"Fine, fine don't get your knickers in a twist." He doesn't even bother responding to me as I jump onto his back and hook my arms around his neck. "Woah don't choke me." I laugh to myself thinking of when he'd said that to me as Spider-Man.

"What's so funny?" He asks and I debate telling him, it'd be funny to see his reaction but I settle on telling him that the image of choking him was funny.

"Peter?" I mumble as I begin to get tired and rest my head on his shoulder, my lips inches from his neck. "Yeah Mj?" He sounds tired himself and I feel bad, "I'm sorry for being annoying, you're a good person and I don't mean half the stuff I say to you." He hides a smile and shakes his head. "You're not annoying Mj."

"Liar." I mumble before closing my eyes.

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Where stories live. Discover now