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I was correct in thinking that my night would be sleepless because my mom had a bad night last night and I really couldn't even bare to sleep for even a minute afraid that she'd worsen at any second.

I was even reluctant to go to school the next day but after mom tells me that I have to, I give in and leave the house with my eyes stinging at the light and my head pounding in a dull manner.

Once I get to school I bump into Peter almost immediately, "wow you look like crap." He says without thinking making me nod with half a smile, "have you seen yourself lately?" I question due to the fact he had bruises littering his face.

"Mj!" I'm taken by surprise when flash joins us and lifts me up excitedly. "I did it!" His grin is infections and so I find myself grinning along with him although I'm not sure why we're grinning.

"I got a C plus!" That makes me grin with him genuinely. "Oh my god, well done! I knew you could." I praise glad with all the progress that flash was making, as a person and academically.

"I couldn't have done it without you." He says before the bell rings. "Alright I better get to class." He says surprising me once more, "with the way we're going I bet I can get a B next time." I nod in encouragement. "Absolutely you can." I say before he begins to take off, "proud of you." I yell after him making him turn and give me a thumbs up before disappearing from my view.

Once he's gone I remember I'd been stood with Peter and turn back to see he was long gone, I don't have time to dwell on it though because I have to make my own way to class.


"So you and flash huh?" It's the first thing Peter says as I take my usual seat beside him, "We're just friends." I shrug making him scoff under his breath before turning away from me. "Peter?" I whisper only to be ignored making me roll my eyes before focusing back to the work I was already having trouble concentrating on.

I was remembering why Peter and I weren't exactly friends now.


After a weird school day with Peter I find myself in a pawn shop, I shift on my feet as I watch the man inspect the necklace I'd brought to give. He looks at my face and hesitates a moment. "Are you sure you want to give this up? You're just a kid this must be worth a lot to you." He asks noticing my reluctance. "Yes and I know how much it's worth so even though I'm just a kid don't think you can rip me off." I say making him chuckle.

"Alright if you're sure I can give you a couple hundred for it." I nod pleased with that before glancing at the jewellery once more, it was the only thing I had left from my father. Before he'd left us, he passed two items of his mothers jewellery to Gayle and I, he told us that he'd give us the rest when we grew up and maybe he would've if he were still here.

I bite my lip as I resist the urge to snatch my necklace back up and run home. No, I shake my head reminding myself that I had to do this to get mom her meds. It'd be fine, I could just save up and buy it back later, I'd already spent majority of the afternoon applying for as many jobs as possible.

"Thanks," I say to the shopkeeper as I tear my eyes away from the necklace. "Look kid, I'll keep it in the back for a while, if you can get the money you know where to find me." I nod in appreciation before leaving the store.

"Mj? Are you ok?" Of course it just had to be Peter that I'd bump into. To be honest I was still annoyed at him for this morning so I decide it's my turn to pull out the silent treatment as I roll my eyes at him walk away without saying a word.


I find myself back at the Parkers Anna had asked me to pick May up from work again. "Sorry again Mj I told Anna that I'm perfectly capable of making my own way home but she won't hear a word of it."

"No worries May, you know that I'm more than happy to help you with whatever." I say as I help her bring her groceries in, we'd done a quick shop on the way home.

I glance at her for second frowning, once I see how tired she truly looked. "Hey May why don't you go sit down, I can put these away and I can make you a cup of tea." She looks hesitant but I practically force her to the other room. I truly did love May and was genuinely more than happy to help her out.

When I join her she tells me how she can't sleep after Ben and as well as her worry for Peter who'd return home at late hours of the night almost always beat up. I try and ease her worries but it was pretty hard especially since she was worried that Peter wouldn't come home one day.

Our conversation is cut short once I see Peter enter the house, he looks surprised to see me and sort of wary as to how I'd act.

"Oh Peter, you're home, why don't you take a seat and I'll go heat you some food up." May says as she gets up immediately. He sits across from me awkwardly the two of us avoid each others eyes before I look up at his face. "What happened to you face?" I ask making him look at me. "Uh I fell off my skateboard." He shrugs making my brows furrow, "you're lying." Now it's his turn to look at me with furrowed brows.

"I'm not lying." He says in what I'm assuming to be a firm tone although it sounds rather weak to me. "Yes you are, I'm not stupid Peter and neither is May she's worried about you." He rolls his eyes and throws his head back in exasperation, "don't do that." He says making me confused, "do what?"

"Don't lecture me like you're my friend." I can only blink in response, "you're a real asshole you know." I say getting up making him chuckle unamused. "You're the one who acts like a bitch half the time." I try and take a breath to remind myself to cut him some slack because Ben just died.

"I was just trying to be nice." I say grabbing my bag, "well don't, I don't need your fake kindness, it didn't work out so well for me last time, I don't like you and you don't like me so get out of here." There was only so much slack I could cut him. "It's not fake you-" I take a breath not letting my anger get the better of me. "Thanks because you just reminded me why I don't be nice to you, and I'll leave whenever I want to leave because I was invited here by May, not you."

"What is wrong with you?" He asks, "why do you have to get involved in everyone else's business, just because your own life is so-"

"Peter!" We're both startled by aunt may stood in doorway looking disappointed with her nephew. "What makes you think it's ok to speak like that? I didn't raise you to be so rude to others." She says making us both look down, "apologise to Myra this instant."

Now that his anger had been replaced with shock, his actions were seeming to sink in and he looked sort of ashamed as he mumbles an apology to me.

"I'm so sorry Mj, I don't know what's gotten into
him." May says after Peter slinks off upstairs. "It's fine May," I say not wanting to upset her further, "I'm gonna get going." I say making her nod, "forget what he said, you're always welcome here."

"Thanks May."

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Where stories live. Discover now