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Peter had been acting really weird recently, like weirder than usual, something was going on with him and I wanted to know what. I was really nosy plus I just liked to know things. It also helped keep my mind of my own problems so that was a plus.

"You know I see a lot more of you then I'm sure is necessary Parker." He jumps as I speak from behind him, I had pretty light footsteps when I wanted to. It sure did come in handy sometimes, like in instances when I wanted to scare Peter.

"Yeah well I take pictures for the yearbook and you feel the need to be everywhere so..." He shrugs as he nods towards the cheerleading uniform I was wearing. "What can I say, I'm a woman of many talents." I curtesy making him scoff as he mumbles something under his breath. "I'm sorry what was that?" I ask knowing whatever he had said had been a dig at me.

"I said, the only talent you have is finding a way to attract the most amount of attention you possibly can to yourself." I shrug, "don't be bitter just because no one notices you." He nods with an unamused laugh, "ouch." Our conversation is cut short when Peter suddenly catches a ball that had been hurtling towards me.

I look at him in shock seeing as he'd caught it with his back turned, how he knew it was coming was behind me. "You're welcome." He says referring to the fact that if it had not been for him I would've been hit pretty hard.

Flash then tries to get the ball back from Peter who surprisingly manages to keep it from him I watch the whole interaction with furrowed brows trying to figure out how on earth he was managing to do that. My confusion grows once he runs and jumps dunking the ball into the hoop whilst also shattering the backboard.

When the hell did he suddenly get so athletic?


"Hey mom." I call as I enter my apartment to see mom laying on the couch with Curt sat beside her. "Oh hey Curt." He waves at me as I make my way over. "Hello Mj, how was school today?" Curt asks making me shrug, "same old same old. I aced the pop quiz we had in maths today." I say making mom grin weakly, "that's my girl." I frown as I see the state of her, "how are you feeling mom?" She tries to put on a brave face but I see through it.

"I'm good," she was not good and it killed me knowing that there was nothing that I could do to help her. "Hey why don't you go to Anna's today I know she'd love to see you." She did this anytime she was having a bad day, it was her attempt to make sure I didn't see her in a bad state. She was trying to shield me from what I already knew, but I complied, hoping that it made her feel a bit better, at least, to think she was protecting me.


"Another bad day?" Anna asks after I knock on her door. "Yep." I shrug as she frowns sympathetically, "she'll be fine Myra, your mom is a fighter I've seen her battle worse." She says rubbing my arm as she lets me in. I don't feel as though I can speak without breaking down into a mess of tears so I simply nod as I try to swallow my feelings.

"I'm gonna go put my stuff in my room." I mumble before making my way up. My room in the house was directly across from Peter's next door, meaning we could see each other perfectly from our windows. I was still thinking about his odd behaviour this morning, not to say that flash didn't deserve to be humiliated as he had done to many others, but Peter wasn't like that. Peter was kind and he never put others down.

I mean I suppose if I'd been treated like that for years by flash I most probably would've snapped ages ago. I just never thought Peter would but I guess people could always surprise you no matter how much you knew them, or thought you knew them.


I stay in my room for a while, studying until aunt Anna calls me down, "I'm sorry to disrupt your studying Mj but could you do me a favour?" She asks hesitantly, "yeah sure anything."

"May just rang me, Peter forgot to pick her up could you take my car and go and get her?" I nod without missing a beat, "of course I can." She grins at me as she tosses her keys over, "love you."

"Love you too." I say over my shoulder as I'm already halfway out of the door.

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Where stories live. Discover now