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My mom was in a coma. Apparently after Spider-Man had stopped the lizard he had this syringe on him as a 'backup'. He had it for my mom, like he'd specially made it for her but whatever he'd been hoping to do it did the opposite.

The serum wasn't compatible with her or whatever and it almost killed her, if it hadn't been for Peter she would've been dead. Not that she was far from it.

Trying to stay positive was probably the hardest thing in the world to me right now. To sit and pretend I was fine, that everything was fine was torture. I was losing my mind but I had to keep it all to myself.

Anna had fallen into a deep depression meaning I frequently went to check on her and clean her house up and make sure she was taking care of herself. That as well as helping Gayle out with as much as possible, working as many shifts as possible, tutoring flash, babysitting Tommy most nights and managing to find time to visit my mom.

Our apartment had been trashed completely thanks to the lizard and so we had to move out. Oscorp gave us a decent sized pay-out, you know cause their employee was the cause for all of this and they didn't want us to sue them.

Gayle sold the house she'd shared with Timothy and combined with the Oscorp money she bought us a house. Our own house, I didn't remember what it was like to have our own house, I was so used to our shitty apartment.

It was weird living with Gayle, especially since it was just the two of us. I knew we'd lived together our whole lives before she got married but it felt like we never had. It felt like I was intruding in her house, like I was an unwelcome guest. I don't think she meant to make me feel that way but I knew she was wishing it was Tim that she was still living with.

"Parker!" I'm walking towards my locker when I see flash hug Peter from behind making me smile, if you told me that I'd be seeing this at the beginning of the year I most absolutely would never have believed it.

"Yeah Dude's crazy. But chicks dig him." I've caught up to them and so I bump flash's shoulder with own, "chicks?" I ask with a teasing smile making him blush slightly.

"You like Spider-Man?" Peter asks making me smile, "yeah, he's... he's cool." His own lips tug up at that and the bell rings meaning we have to separate. Well flash does seeing how he's not in our class, Peter and I begin walking towards the classroom together.

"You know we get our essays back today." I mention lightly making his brows raise as he turns to me, "oh really? Wanna bet on it?" I smirk, Peter and I would bet over our grades sometimes, "hell yeah, this is gonna be an easy ten bucks." He chuckles and shakes his head, "yeah for me."

We get in slightly late and I zone out completely, I was too tired to pay attention to this right now. "Pay up." Peter whispers showing me his paper with a bright A circled in the top corner, I hadn't even noticed they'd been passed back to us. I can't contain my smugness as I pull my own paper up, "are you sure about that?" I ask moving my thumb to show the plus that was beside my A, his smile drops slightly as he roll his eyes in an over dramatic manner which let me know that he was joking.

He then pulls ten dollars from his pocket and slaps it into my hand, "thanks, I thought you would've learnt by now though." I grin curling my hand around the bill before resting my chin on my hand.

I always dominated in English and I doubted Peter would ever be able to beat me. Science was his subject though, he almost always had me beat there. Maths was a mix, I wasn't sure who was better.


I kick my shoes off once I get home and stumble onto the couch as my eyes feel so heavy, that was probably the longest shift ever. So many difficult customers who I felt were only there to bother me.

"Oh Mj, good you're home." Gayle says as she walks to the kitchen to grab Tommy his food. "Since you're here I need to go out." I want to protest but I'm too tired to do anything other than hum at her.

She's gone in a matter of minutes and as soon as the door closes I pull myself up and drag myself to the bathroom where I have to splash my face with freezing water. I shiver as I feel the coldness travel throughout my whole body before making my way over to my nephew.

"Hey Tom Tom." I grin sitting beside him on the ground I stay with him until he eventually falls asleep. I sigh in relief and put him in his crib before grabbing the baby monitor and curling up with it on the couch.

I hoped he'd let me sleep, I was beyond exhausted, this was my karma for not allowing my sims to sleep until they passed out, when I was a kid, wasn't it?

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Where stories live. Discover now