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I roll my eyes as I watch flash throw a basketball at Peter as he hangs a picture for the debate team. "Sorry." Flash fake apologies through his chuckles.

"Morning flash." Peter greets with a nod of his head has he tries to act as though he wasn't bothered. Flash then steps at Peter to make him flinch which it does making him and his friends laugh more. "Good morning Parker."

Peter then turns to me but I can't be bothered interacting with him and so I look back down at the tattered book in my hands. "I saw that." He speaks making me sigh as I pretend I didn't hear him and try to focus on the words I'd read ten times in the past minute.

"Alright I see you haven't magically matured overnight." He adds making me close my book. I would've liked to slam it shut for more of a dramatic effect, that wasn't possible due to the way I'd broken the spine over the many years of rereading.

"I know you're obsessed with me Parker but is it impossible for us to go one day without you bothering me?" He chuckles at my words in disbelief, "me obsessed with you? You're the one who's always staring at me." I shrug and push myself off the wall I had been leaning on. "I'm a very observant person, what can I say."

He shakes his head slightly as he shoots me an unamused smirk. "As unpleasant as this always is I will see you in class. Unfortunately." I mumble the last part but he hears me anyways, "you know you love me Watson." I snort and simply hold my middle finger up to him before walking away. "Very classy." He murmurs as I walk past him but that only makes me flip him off once more.


School is dull, sure I'm smart, which helps but to be honest my passion didn't lie in academia. I wanted to be a performer, an actress to be precise. My mom thought I was silly for thinking this but I was convinced the women in our family were cursed.

My mother wanted to be an actress too but she gave all that up to marry my father, that didn't work out for her and now she was a single mother. My older sister Gayle had wanted to be a dancer she gave that up to marry her husband Timothy, they were still together and had moved away but that relationship was not going to last.

I would be different, or so I hoped, I wanted to pursue my dreams and actually make it, for my mother my sister and myself. I had a feeling the curse would strike me too though and so it's why I attempted to focus on school, just in case.

I drop my lunch tray with a bit of a clatter to alert people of my presence, "if anyone has done the calc homework please let me copy it, I forgot." I say with a sigh as I sit. "You're way smarter than us Mj, you'd probably just finish it quicker on your own right now." Betty says making me internally groan, I probably could but I couldn't be bothered.

"I mean unless you want to give Peter the satisfaction of being smarter than you." That gave me all the motivation I needed. I don't really remember why Peter and I had entered the rivalry that had spun out for years, but I did know that I was to petty and too stubborn to be the first to let this go. I vaguely remember him saying he was smarter than me when we were kids, not completely sure that was all there was to it. I mean it very well could be I'd always been very competitive and I did have a bit of a temper back then.

I scribble my answers down stopping midway once I notice a large crowd forming not too far from where I was sat. Betty gets up immediately to go see what's going on as do the others at the table. I roll my eyes as I shove my work into my bag and go to join them. It was most probably flash terrorising someone.

It's no surprise that I was right. Flash was holding a kid named Gordon and he was dangle ding over a lunch tray that he was trying to force his face into. I didn't join the masses chanting eat it, this wasn't amusing in the slightest.

"Eat your vegetables, Gordon. Come on! Come on!" He then catches sight of Peter making his way through the crowd. This was not going to end well for Peter, I could say that with confidence.

"Hey, Parker, come on. Get a picture of this."

"No, I'm not gonna take a picture of it. Put him down, man." Flash along with others are not impressed with peters unwillingness to comply. "Gordon, don't eat it." Peter says to the boy still in flashes arms.

"Take the picture."
"Put him down, Flash."
"Take the picture."

"Put him down, Eugene!" Peter had done it now, flash hated when his real name was used. Flash tosses Gordon aside, quite literally, he lands at my feet. I sigh and crouch down to him, "hey gordon are you ok?" I ask, he looks up at me startled for a second but he nods and sends me a smile as I help him up.

I look back to flash to see him beating Peter up making me sigh once more. As much as Peter wasn't my favourite person I knew he didn't deserve this and so I walk over knowing that he would just make it worse for himself if no one intervened. Peter liked to always get back up, it was commendable except for the fact that he didn't really stand a chance against flash.

"Flash!" I say catching his attention, his face changes drastically once it lands on mine. "Mj." He smiles, it falters slightly once I don't return it. "Are we still on for tonight?" I ask hoping Peter will scamper off or whatever whilst I have Flash's attention. "My house 3:30?" He nods although his attention flickers back to Peter who was on the ground behind me.

I quickly put my hand on his arm to stop him once more, "maybe we should just get to class? You know you need it after how disappointed I was in you last week." Gwen Stacy had been tutoring flash but as she took on more students she asked if I could just take one off her hands. Unfortunately that one was non other than flash Thompson.

He shrugs my arm off as the bell rings and rolls his eyes, "whatever." He mumbles under his breath before he walks forwards a few steps only to stop and wait for me to catch up. I glance back at Peter once to see him floundering on the ground for a moment still in pain. I shake my head as I catch up with flash and give him a pointed look.

"What?" He asks me in faux innocence, "it's just Parker and besides you hate him anyways." I shrug as I fall in step with him. "I don't hate him, he gets on my nerves sure but that doesn't mean I want you to beat him up. Also there was Gordon what did he do?"

"He was an easy target." Flash shrugs making me scoff, unsure of what to say. "Look I'm sorry." He says disrupting the silence we'd been walking in. "You don't mean it." I shrug making him sigh, "I'm sorry for upsetting you."

"You didn't upset me, you just don't impress me acting like a Neanderthal." I shrug again. He goes to say something again only to stop once he realised we were at my class. "Sorry." He simply shrugs himself making me nod. "I'm not the one you need to apologies to. Just go to class and pay attention this time please." He nods with a smile before kissing me cheek and taking off in the opposite direction.

"Wow dating flash? That's a new low even for you." I roll my eyes at Peter as I slide into my seat beside him. "I'm not dating flash, I don't know why he just did that." I say before pulling my work out. "Shit!" I hiss under my breath I never finished the homework because of what had just happened. "What's wrong?" Peter whispers making me shake my head. "Nothing."

I quickly begin scribbling in answers as he watches me, "number ten is-"

"I don't need your help thank you very much." I snap making him raise his hands at me, "woah no need to bite my head off."

As I finish up I vaguely hear Peter conversing with Gwen, he has a stupid goofy smile on his face once she turns around. "Dork." I say throwing a piece of crumpled up paper at him making him jump. He sees that it's only me and relaxes before making a silly face.

Alr first chapter is up what do we all think haha, I think I'm gonna make this one a slow burn so they probably won't get together that quickly, I also kinda want him to still get w Gwen bc I loved them sm haha. Also I am trying to base mj kinda off the other mjs but I wanna make her a bit different too.

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ