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That night I get to my aunt Anna's house, I was staying there tonight, I'd managed to sneak past my mom this morning and I didn't want to worry her so I figured that I'd stay at hers a while, just until my bruise faded a bit, it looked way worse than it felt right now and I did not need my mom losing her shit over this again, she'd already tried to put me under house arrest.

I'm pacing around in my room, whenever my brain  was too full with thoughts I liked to walk around and try and get my thoughts together that way. I can't help but glance up and walk over to the window to see if Peter was home.

His room light is off and I don't see anything so I suppose he's not, I sigh and go to turn around when I suddenly see a figure on the side of the house. No one would be paying attention seeing how it was dark and they'd all probably sleeping at this time anyways.

Not me though, instead I inch closer to get a proper look, I see a flash of red and then the figure opens Peter's window and slips into his room effortlessly. It was Spider-Man, he pulls his mask off to reveal the awkward teenager I'd known for majority of my life. First of all I freaking knew it! I knew he was Spider-Man!

Second of all, Peter. He was the perfect person to go and tell about this. Not only because he was Spider-Man but because he'd been working with Curt most days in his lab, he probably knew whatever it was that'd made his arm grow back and if so he'd most likely know how to counteract it.

I feel relived knowing that now at least I didn't have to go straight to the police and can finally sleep with a clear mind knowing that I could deal with this tomorrow.


"Peter!" He catches me by the shoulders to slow me down as I go hurtling towards him, "Mj, what's wrong? Are you ok? You're not hur-"

"Peter what have you and Curt being doing?" He looks confused by my question along with the panic on my face, "what?"

"Whatever it is you've been doing, he's testing it on himself. I don't know who to tell, I don't want to get him in trouble because I don't know the whole story but he can't keep doing this you know, but it's dangerous right? We don't know the side effects and he could be dangerous right?"

Once I start rambling I can't stop until Peter stops me, "hey everything will be fine, how about I go visit him today-"

"Are you crazy? Don't visit him, I just said he could be dangerous." His fricken arm grew back who knows what else it had done to him.

"It's just dr. Conners Mj I'll be fine." He shrugs off, right he was Spider-Man that was the reason I'd come to him in the first place. "Fine then I'll come with you." I say making him sigh, "absolutely not,"

"It's just dr. Conners Peter, I'll be fine." I echo shooting him a mocking smile before turning on my heel and beginning to walk away. "I have a free after lunch see you then." I say spinning around and walking backwards for a moment watching as he shakes his head in disbelief before I turn back around and make my way to class.

"Hey Betty." I grin at my blonde friend as I slide into my seat beside her, "Mj, I feel like I've not seen you in forever." She grins making me nod, "oh my gosh I know but-"

"You've been spending all of your time with flash." She answers for me, "uh no, well yeah, yeah. It's crazy but he's honestly becoming one of my best friends." I shrug with half a smile, "just don't let him replace me." She warns making me laugh, "of course not."

"Uh anyways I gotta go look for Parker," I shrug glancing at my watch and seeing how lunch would probably be over soon, "Parker? What alternate universe is this? First flash and now Peter? What's happening to you Myra- Jane?"

"Nothing Bets, I just need to talk to him about something. I still barely tolerate him." She gives me an unbelieving look, "trust me Betty, the day Peter and I become friends is the day hell freezes over."

She doesn't say anything for a moment before shrugging, "alright, I saw him heading towards the bleachers I'm sure." She shrugs making me send her an appreciative nod. "Thanks, see you later."

I get out towards the football field and sure enough Peter was sat in the bleachers... with Gwen. They're both leaning in making me look away, with my stomach feeling strange, gross. I'm about to turn back around until Peter catches a rogue football heading towards them and tosses it back only to dent the crossbar.

What a doofus, I think shaking my head as I decide to just go back in and wait for him there.

As I'm walking I bump into someone and am thankful when they reach out to steady me. "You alright Mj?" It's flash, "hey Eugene." I say making him roll his eyes playfully, "Mj what've we spoken about?"

"What? you said you didn't mind when I called you Eugene." I shrug innocently making him laugh, "what are you doing tonight?" He asks making me shrug, "I think I've gotta baby sit Tommy tonight actually, hey wanna come babysit with me?"

"You using me for my ability to calm your nephew down?" He asks with a teasing smile, "what no, no way, would I ever do that. I mean maybe a little... but it's just so much more fun when I have you there with me." He beams at that, "alright then I'll see you at the end of the day." He agrees making me laugh, "can't wait."

𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 ~ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 {𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑚}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat