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[TRIGGER WARNING: This story has references to drug use and various kinds of abuse.]

I have the perfect life.

Not only am I beautiful, and it really didn't matter who the beholder was, everyone agreed I was, I am also brilliant. I have several trophies to my name from school competitions, and on the other spectrum, I've won a few pageants in my day. Yes, I am beauty and brains, and I have to say, that's pretty rare these days.

I play three instruments, and I would say I'm incredible at all of them. Maybe my only Achilles heel would be singing, but years of training has definitely started to fix that. I play volleyball also, mainly for fun though, but I'd probably win when I need to. You could say I can do it all, and you'd be right.

I am at the top of my game, and I am loved by all, except for a few trolls here and there, but everyone has those. Even those that hate me acknowledge my perfection, because it is very apparent. This isn't even me being arrogant, it's just the honest truth, it's not bragging if it true, right?

Lots of rumours circle the school about me, and I've heard them all. The ones that say I 'slept' my way to where I am, believe me when I say I didn't, and even if I did why don't they do the same, and be like me? Just saying.

Some say my parents have paid for everything I've accomplished, and to those I say, what would be the fun in that? I mean, I probably could get them to do that, but the satisfaction of knowing I did all that I've done simply by my pure, unadulterated skill and awesomeness is a really good feeling. And it's sad that it's so hard for some to believe me, I guess when you've accepted that there are somethings you can't achieve, it's hard to believe someone else can, you know?

Others say the judges just give me the winning medals because I'm a black girl, yes people actually do say that. So, by that logic, in all the competitions I've ever been in all the judges made this same decision? Please, give me a break. Besides, it's not like I'm the only minority there, so why I'm the chosen one out of the others there?

Maybe I have a little bit of privilege, after all I do have all these tutors at my call, but it still takes a ton of hard work. There are a lot of other people that have parents like mine and spend all the money on drugs and gambling, so it's not that simple. It didn't all just fall from the sky unto my toned legs.


The sound of someone shutting the trunk of a car caused one of the neighbours' dog to start barking, interrupting my thoughts. I was almost home. I was close enough to clearly see the rose bushes Claire had planted outside the gates, she was really proud of them, and with good reason too, because they were beautiful. Even Osi agreed.

I stood in front of the gate and took a deep breath, preparing for whatever pandemonium I would find inside. I pressed the buzzer that would ring in the house, alerting whoever was home of my arrival.

"Hello, who is it?" a voiced buzzed through the speaker.

I smiled as I recognized the voice, "Hello, Malcom."

"Ah, welcome home, young mistress."

My smiled broaden at the title he had called me, I'd shown my dislike for the name many times in the past, but he had ignored me, and I had grown used to it. I had even grown to like it.
The gates swung open a moment later, allowing me into the vast estate I call home.

I could see some of the helps running around, going about their various chores without missing a beat. They didn't pay much attention to my entrance, after all I was only the young mistress.

I met Malcom waiting for me at the door, standing tall with perfect posture, with a small smile on his face. I was about to give him a greeting when I heard Claire's voice coming from somewhere behind him, the smile of his face vanished instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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