"She's strong. Much like a Mikaelson." Clara replies, as Hopes crys change to soft whimpers.

"And how are you?" he questions.

Clara sighs, "Considering I just had to dagger Nik... I'm ready to be done with this."

"You daggered him?" Elijah questions as he looks over his brother.

"Dahlia was planning to bind herself to Hope. Nik offered an alternative. He's buying us time. For what, I'm in the dark about but here we are." Clara explains with a shrug.

"Rebekah tells me Klaus has a plan to kill Dahlia, that he knew our plan would not work?" Freya brings up confused.

"Yes. According to him, our ingredients were incorrect. Niklaus infiltrated Dahlia's mind. You didn't break her heart. We needed the blood of the witch she loved the most, and you are not that witch, that honor goes to our beloved mother." Elijah explains as he looks back over to her.

Freya sighs in frustration. "So, we need Esther's blood? Well, that's impossible, I killed her." she tells them.

"This got more complicated." Clara says with a sigh.

"One incarnation." Elijah says with a thoughtful look. "Our mother is buried in New Orleans. Niklaus wants us to revive the original body"


Arriving back to the compound, Clara was plesantly surprised by Rebekah in her original body. They had placed the two 'sleeping' individual in the living room while they discussed how to go forward with Nik's plan. "Nik is demented! Are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash with Kol's, and then trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead? Not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol... if Davina doesn't turn us inside out!" Rebekah argues.

"Or, we dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it." Elijah suggests.

"I say we choose a more permanent option-- find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him." Freya fires back.

Clara's eyes widen and raises her hand, "Hi, do I get a say in this? Cause I vote no to those two. Listen I don't want to bring back Esther as much as any of you but this plan could work. We just need a good approach with Davina."

"Yeah, well killing Klaus means that me, and every other vampire that Klaus has turned dies too!" Marcel reminds them, taking sides with Clara.

Rebekah looks down to Nik in confusion, "The dagger!" she says in disblief. "It's bloody melting."

Elijah sighs, "We have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set."


Marcel, Freya, and Clara have been tasked with finding Kol's ashes that was somewhere in the compound. "Elijah said Klaus kept Kol's ashes in a blue urn." Marcel tells the two as they enter one of the offices.

"Well that narrows the search field." Clara commetns as they began to look around through cubboards and drawers.

"Heaven forbid one thing not be a damn secert in this family.." Marcel also comments as he looks behind books on a shelf.

"And yet, here you are, casting your lot with Klaus. Is that because you think his plan is going to work?" Freya says as she wanders around the room.

"That is the Mikaelson paradox, you wanna love and kill each other at the same time!" Marcel explains.

"A complicated truth." Clara agrees with a sigh. "Hey, you think they'd hide stuff behind paintings? Like in the movies?" she jokes.

"Might not be a bad idea little witch." Marcel tells her before begining to move all the paintings. He starts to laugh in disbeilef when he found a blue urn. "Look who got Lucky!" he says as he shows Clara the urn.

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