Chapter 2

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No one's POV

Dongwook arrives to his detective agency and is informed to meet his head.

Head : Hello there, Wook

Wook : Morning, Head. What's the deal?

Head : Well, I've been informed that a model received a threat from an unknown person. So I need you to be his bodyguard

Wook : WTH Head?! I'm a detective for god's sake and not a bodyguard!

Head : I do know that, Wook. But you need to do this because you are my most trusted man as well as you can get to know about that mysterious person when you stay close to the model. That's why I'm asking you.

Wook : Ugh..Fine Head.

Head : Ok then. I'll send you the details of that model and you can start your work right away.

After receiving the files, Wook leaves the agency. While waiting in the red signal, he takes a look at the file and gets shocked to see that the model was none other than his baby brother. He then enters the BigHit company and asks for Kim Taehyung and one of the workers leads him to Tae.

Tae : Hyung?! What are you doing here?

Wook : I got to know about your threat call

Tae : Sorry hyung. I thought of informing you but you were busy

Wook : The fun fact now is that I'm your bodyguard

Tae : *giggles* Well that's going to be fun, Mr. Bodyguard

Wook : *whines* Ugh.. Why me? 

?? : Well well. Seems like you got yourself a bodyguard hmm.. Nobody can stop me from making you mine baby boy

Model and Mafia 💜 KookVWhere stories live. Discover now