Chapter 6

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As I was helping Mateo pull this damn creature to the car, I wasn't too thrilled about the fact that we don't even know what the fuck Brody is.

The creepy little shit.

Jett better be lucky I love his little hot ass because I didn't agree with what the hell he so rudely dragged us into.

Hendrix was loving every minute of this stupid ass shit, laughing and giggling at Mateo and I struggling with the mystery creature, so I don't even care what happens to him once Rhogon gets his hands on him.

But as far as my ass goes and Mateo's, I don't think we deserve a spanking. The last time I got one, I couldn't sit down for two whole fucking days and that was only because I lied to him about Hendrix and I fucking at work and in the process of us fucking, we forgot to send off some important files to the Council.

Rho was pissed.

That big fucker spanked us until we saw stars. My ass was sore for an entire fucking week. Needless to say, I haven't lied to him since.

If he could spank us like that for something as trivial as lying about a quickie and a few files not being sent off, I can only imagine what he's going to do to us when he finds out that Azamir forced his Vamp shit on him, then Jett allowed him to do the same to us.

We basically were kidnapped and forced to participate in an underground Mythical Auction to purchase a breeder, which Rho made very fucking clear that he did not want. And then to find out that Jett spent five million dollars of what I'm sure was Rho's money, on a mystery creature that even Luca himself fears, yeah we're in deep shit.

Brody struggled the whole way from behind the stage to the exit, which surprised the shit out of me because the silver collar didn't do much to subdue his strength.

The little weirdo turned a lot of fucking heads too. Everyone either screamed or jumped out the way as we dragged him through the building. I thought he couldn't get anymore frustrating, but oh boy how wrong I was.

The real tough part came once we reached the exit doors.

"Hendrix, Jett get the doors." I tell them and they both rush over, holding both of them open.

I send my love a look and then tighten my grip on the chains as does Mateo the same and we quickly move through the exit and outside.


I turn around so quickly, I almost gave myself whiplash.

"Was that Brody? Did he just talk?" — Axel questions, pushing forward with me, anxiously waiting for the little weirdo to do it again.


"Ok, that was him and he just talked, but who is talking about?" — Axel growls, backing up into the shadows.

Shaking my head at his dumbass, I tug on the chains to get the little one's attention.

"Brody, calm down. We're not going to hurt you, we just want to get you in the car and go home." I tell him, nervously tightening my grip on the chains even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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