"Hello love." his smirk she could picture.

"Nik... I'm afraid... I have a bad feeling." she whispers as she looks at her daughter.

"Do you want me to come a get you and our daughter?" Nik asks in an amused tone.

"Are you doing whatever secret plan that you wouldn't tell us about?" Clara counters.

"Lets call this plan B." he tells her.

"I don't want to do this without you." she tells him honestly with a shaky breath, tears gathering in her eys as she strokes Hope's head.

"I'll be on my way. Just tell me where, love."

As a tear falls from her face she tells him where they were hidding out, unknowingly falling into his game. He wouldn't dare hurt her, rather she made him and Dahlia's plan a lot easier. But the wolves, they were not prepared.

As the night got longer, a scream of pain could be heard from outside, scaring Clara awake. It didn't take long for Hayley to speed into the room. "Klaus is here, we have to go. Jackson's holding him off." she explains, helping her up.

"What? Nik is here?" Clara asks, a bit grogy from waking up.

"Yes he's here, we have to go." Hayley repeats, giving her her bag before picking up Hope.

"Why is him being here a bad thing?" Clara questions confused.

"He's going to stop us from leaving." she says as they meet up with Mary. The three notice that the burning  herbs smoke was now Red.

"It's her, its Dahlia." Hayley says.

"All the more reason to go." Mary says, trying to pull the two girls as the fight could be heard from outside.

"No... I have to help Jackson. You take them, and get them out of here." Hayley says to Mary before looking to Clara and handing her Hope. "Stay safe." she says before speeding out of the room and to the fight.

"Lets go." Mary says, grabbing Clara's arm and leading her to the car. The two set up Hope and Clara sat in the back while Mary started the car.

Clara didn't want to leave, but she knew that if she voiced that to the wolves, well, who knows how they would react. As they bagan to drive away, about a block or two from the junkyard, Mary stops and groans in pain.

"Mary?" Clara questions in concern when the car stops. The sound of bones breaking fills the car. "Mary?" 

Mary groans more, exiting the car and her bones breaking. Clara was going to follow her but saw the familiar eyes of the wolf. She was shifting into a werewolf. "Whats happening?" she whispers as she watches Mary rush away, to get distance as she shifts.

Only a few minutes later did Nik finally appear. "Hello darlings." he greets as he opens the door.

"Nik." Clara sighs in relief.

"There she is." Dahlia says from behind Nik. Panic fills Clara, but Nik looks at her with a silent, 'Trust me' before he turns to face his Aunt. "Such a beautiful child. I want to thank you for your hand in procuring her for me. It must not have been easy, betraying your family."

Clara bit her tounge at what she was hearing, holding Hope closer to her. "I will not see my daughter handed over like the spoils of some war." Nik tells his Aunt, earning a look of confusion from her, "To that end, I remind you of your promise-- you will protect and mentor Hope, drawing from her only what power you require to keep her safe." he tells her.

"I will bond her to me first. Once I can channel Hope's power, I will be able to keep her safe from all harm, always under my protection." Dahlia replies before looking to Clara, "Unless the mother wishes to get in the way." she says in a slightly threatening way.

Clara shakes her head, "No, I trust Nik. I won't interfer."

Dahlia smiles, walking over to grab Hope but Nik stops her. "I think not. You offered an alliance that would benefit my daughter, and now you wish to link to her, even though you yourself still suffer from that sleep spell? I will not lose my daughter to that affliction." he tells her.

Dahlia sighs, "I will use her power to free myself, as I said!" she explains.

"And if you fail? Or if Hope is not strong enough? She is, after all, but a child. I will not condemn her to your fate, not when there is so obvious an alternative." he argues camly, looking back to Hope and Clara before looking to his Aunt. "If you require power to be immortal without the need to sleep for centuries, then why not channel one who already has eternal life? Bond yourself to me, the immortal hybrid. Once your sleep spell is broken, then, and only then, may you link yourself to Hope."


1469 words

Hope you enjoy the tension!

We're getting close to the end...




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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