14 - Tg2MaverickBoogaloo

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Okay, I was completely regretting not planning out what to say beforehand now. There was so much I wanted to say but I wasn't sure how to say it.

Plus, I'm about 1500% sure that I'll forget something important, but I'll just have to deal with that later.

"Okay, fair warning, this is both going to be some very serious and potentially sensitive stuff for the start, I want to get it out of the way kind of. It's really important but I don't really want the whole stream to  have that sad tone or aura to it, and this is probably gonna be peek views so the most people will see it and get the info."

I took a deep breath, this was gonna be a lot to talk about, especially on stream, here's hoping I don't cry, at least too much.

"So, just to kinda get this part out of the way, lots of you definitely already know, I'd honestly be surprised if you didn't at this point, but I'm nonbinary, specifically agender, and the first time I ever appeared on a stream, I had just come out to my parents."

That day was a lot harder to go through than I had expected, but I'm still glad I did it. I just couldn't handle all the other shit anymore.

"I was in desperate need of a distraction, and Tommy was kind enough to help me out by inviting me to his stream, I'll never be able to thank Tommy or Tubbo enough for all they've done for me.

Now, I'm gonna say this, and it's gonna sound hypocritical, but please make sure to think of your safety first if you plan to come out. It can be very freeing and a wonderful experience, but depending on your situation it can also be dangerous. After all, you can't start living as your true self if you aren't living."

And here comes the bad part, deep breath...

"I did have a plan in case things went poorly, but fortunately I didn't have to use it...  I also didn't get a great reaction, exactly. My parents had to leave right away for a summer trip with my brother to look at schools, and as many might have realized, we are at the end of summer. 

Tommy invited me onto his stream because I needed it, and I continued after because I really did have a lot of fun. These past couple of months have been some of my happiest, but, sadly, I may not be able to continue streaming."

Looking over at the chat I saw tons of different reactions, all around the same ideas, well wishes, sorry's, people calling me brave or inspiring... wow they were overreacting. I decided to close the chat on my monitor for now, just so I could focus on my main points a bit better.

"I am a minor, I do have to listen to my parents, and honestly I haven't talked to them since they left, and I dought they are active on Minecraft twitch. I really hope I can keep streaming and making content with my friends and for all of you, but I'm trying to be realistic in that I may not be able to for a long time. I don't want to make any promises that I can't keep. This community is too important to me to do anything like that."

I feel like I had more to say, but I honestly have no idea what it was... oh well. After a second to breathe, and open back up my chat, I continued, "Okay, I think that's it, I was probably rambling a lot, sorry. Um, any questions? I guess? I don't know if I'll be able to answer any to be honest, haha."

I looked down and saw one:

TG2MaverickBoogaloo: HOW WILL WE KNOW IF YOU CANT STREAM THOOOO?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

"Hahaha, wow, some of you are very passionate right now, I love it. Um, Maverick Boogaloo, I am gonna do my best to keep you all updated through my Twitter, @Arson_Birb, it's my best option for getting info out to everyone. So if you aren't already, go follow me over there, I guess." I finished with an awkward little wink and finger guns to the camera. Wow. I am painfully awkward, I realized, and cringed a bit immediately afterward.

"Umm, let's see..." I was seeing more and more of the same, no new questions I could actually answer, for different reasons, so that means it was time to move on to the next stage. "Guess it's time for the fun part of the stream! What game should we start with? Hmm.... how about just some Stardew Valley? something chill to start out with plus I haven't played it in a while, Toms said he would be online to play after I was done talking... and... Ah ha! there he is! Hey, Tomithy!"


"Tommy, first we have to get the chickens."

"Fair point, but, and you'll love this, shut up."

"Wow, you're so incredibly reasonable."

"I know, I'm wonderful."

We continued playing for a while, a few of our friends jumping in for bits at a time to chat with us. Eventually, Tommy had to go but Tubbo came and joined in, talking to me while I played Little Nightmares for the first time. He did have a tendency to scream for and at random intervals when he was tired though.




"Ya see, Ash, it's my master plan. The plot twist is I'm in charge of all the weirdly proportioned giants trying to kill you."

"... Tubbo, are you sure you don't need to go to bed?"

"Nope, but we're gonna ignore that."

"Fair enough."

AN: haha *insert fact about how I'm shit at uploading* my b besties, take this and pretend for me, okay? thanks

(jk I love you all, thank you so much for reading this (: )

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