19 - Papers

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It's been about a week since I moved in with Max, I haven't heard a single thing from my parents and I can't tell if it's a good or bad thing.

It's a strange thing not living with them anymore. I don't have that constant feeling of being watched, I feel so much more comfortable just existing, and I don't think I've ever been happier. Living with Max has been a dream, but I'm worried that It's all going to end soon.

I told Max about my streaming and she was so happy for me, but then she decided she needed to get my PC back. I obviously couldn't wait to start playing games and streaming with my friends again, but on the other hand, I could totally wait to see my parents again. Thankfully, Max decided she would get it by herself, not even letting me try to go with her. Sadly, that also means that she is in danger of ruining her relationship with our parents as well, and it's all my fault.

She doesn't deserve that.


I'm currently on my way to my parent's house to grab Ash's computer. When I heard about their streaming I couldn't let them leave it behind. I'm just so proud of them for being able to do something they love and, to be honest, they finally have friends!  

It sounds mean, but they always had a hard time making friends when they were younger. They even had some issues with bullying for a few years, but I don't think they even realized it. I watched a couple of videos from their streams and it just means so much to me that they're so clearly happy and having a good time with people who care about them.

I haven't bothered to call to let my parents know I'm on the way, I have a key and, frankly, they don't fucking deserve it.

I'm pissed with how they treated my little sibling, god, they better hope they're not home.

I park at the top of the driveway, sadly next to my father's car. I think through how to deal with them as I unlock the front door and walk in.

Before I could even get through the door, I already heard my mother's voice calling "Are you finally back, Chloe?"

She couldn't have sounded more bored. How dare she? Her child has run away and she couldn't care less. "Chloe? Who's that? Never heard of them." I responded as I walked in and saw my mother sitting on the couch, her back to me.

She turned her head to look at me once she heard me speak. "Oh, my darling Maxine! What a surprise, it's lovely to see you." She stood up and walked in front of me, clearly expecting a hug.

Walking around her to the basement door I said, "Yea, I'm not staying long, just gonna pick something up." Her pseudo-sweetness is going to drown me if I let her keep me here too long.

"Oh... has Chloe run to you, spouting all her nonsense? Frankly, she needs to learn to grow up."

That's it, I've barely been here a minute and I'm at my breaking point. I turn right around, my half an inch all I need to tower over her at the moment. 

"You have no right to say a word about them. They are still a child, a wonderful, smart, growing child, but a child non the less. They are learning about who they are and it was your job as a parent to listen, support, and guild them, and you failed every single time." 

My hands are clenched at my sides as I speak. 

"Not just recently either! For so long you've been overlooking them, and, I mean, god, it has been what? a week? and I haven't seen or heard any sign of you trying to find out where your goddam child is! You do know you're still legally responsible for them, right? I mean they-" 

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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