12 - Fuck It

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The next day I think I was in denial or something. 

Maybe that or I just couldn't find the energy to care.

There were just so many different things that could happen and I honestly just didn't want to think about it anymore.

I woke up at like 2, I basically either don't sleep or sleep or like a week straight.

I had four days till my parents got home, so I thought it would be a good idea to clean stuff up and do a bit of packing, just in case.

I started playing some music on Spotify and walked around the house just doing chores for a good bit. I did everything from dishes to laundry and sweeping to wiping counters. I even ended up mowing since it had been like two and a half weeks since I had. It all took a while but, honestly, music can make time fly.

After chores, I looked for the list of things to pack I had made with Tubbo in the middle of the summer. It had the little types of things I didn't want to forget. Things like photos, important sketchbooks, and letters I had kept.

I gathered all the sentimental things I had first, packing them into my backpack. There wasn't too much I wanted, a lot of my important stuff was digital anyways.

I had a few pieces of clothing that I really liked, a shirt or two and PJ pants I stole from Leo and a sweatshirt and an old pair of black cargo pants Max had given me. It wouldn't be a lot of things if something went bad, but it was the stuff I cared about. Plus I didn't like most of my clothing in general, given that my parents didn't let me pick anything for myself. The few other things that I liked wearing I got from thrifting with Max.

I didn't wanna deal with keeping anything I didn't really like, so I just packed up my important stuff and moved on. 

I planned to move my bike outside from the garage before my parents got home, kinda hidden half behind and half on the side of the house, so I stuck my backpack in my bike's basket after doing a final sweep for things that were important to me.

Now, what to do with one of the most important things to me right now?

I'm pretty proud of my whole setup. I got my original pc and monitor a few years ago, expanding a bit as I used it more. I got another monitor along with an actual gaming mouse, keyboard, and headset along with a pad for the keyboard and mouse. It wasn't a lot but I worked for it and it was important to me. 

Tommy and Tubbo were the ones who helped me pick that stuff out.

I dug my roller suitcase out of my closet, That should be around the right size.

I didn't wanna unplug everything so I found some cardboard to try and estimate how things could fit. Based on what I got, I could fit my pc and one monitor in the main part and my keyboard, mouse, and headset along with the pad and wires in the smaller pockets on the outside. That would have to be enough.

Okay. I would do my final stream right after I premeir my face reveal video on youtube tomorrow. Then I'll pack up my pc and hide it in the house. I was preparing for the worst-case scenario here. I wouldn't be able to bring my suitcase with me, but if my parents were mad I didn't want them to take it out on my computer. Plus I have a house key so there is a chance I could sneak back in to get it later.

I lay down in the middle of my floor to just breathe for a second. This was kinda a lot, okay? Hopefully, I'm making it into more than it is, but we'll see, I guess.

I check my phone again to see, sadly, still no response. I had been trying to contact Techno all day, but nothing. I wasn't worried, he does this from time to time. I just wanted to face revel to him before, everyone else on the planet, but I kinda had a time limit here.

I decided to stream some Stardew Vally, it had been too long since I played that game.


After about three hours, I ended the stream, and Techno still hadn't responded, so I thought fuck it! and I sent techno a selfie I took after cutting my hair, then went to bed.

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