10 - Face Reveal

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I felt so much better with something to do, something I could control. Well, control to some degree, I had no idea what I was doing. Let's just hope it goes well.

"ASH! What are you doing?"

"Oh Tubbo, you think I know?"


"haha, don't worry, I'm just heading down to the store to grab some hair dye before cutting off at least like a foot of hair."

"Oh, wow, your hair must be pretty long to have a foot of hair to cut off."

"Yup, I guess you've never seen it, huh?"

"Yea, do you know what color you want to dye it?"

"Maybe like purple or blue? I'm not totally sure, this isn't exactly something I've planed out."

"Well, those are the best things!"

I made my way to the store by my house, slightly insecure about the piece of hair on my head 12 inches shorter then everything else, but it will be fine. Hopefully.

"Omg! Tubbo I found the prettiest blue here! And its supposed to work without bleach! Thank God, I do not have enough confidence in my self to use bleach right now..."

I continued to talk to Tubbo on my way back when I saw a girl around my age getting bothered by a guy that it didn't seam like she knew.

"Hey, Tubbo, can you be quite for a sec? I'm sorry that sounds bad, I just gotta deal with something real quick."

"Oh... um, yea sure! No problem."


I started walking over to them and I could hear a bit of what they where talking about. Yea, she didn't know this guy.

I got some fake crying going, something I've always been pretty good at, before making my way over to her.

"OMG! There you are, girl! I've been looking everywhere for you! Do you see what my sister did!" I pulled up my piece of cut hair "Please, please, please, help me!" 

I walked up to her, between her and the random guy. 

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there." I said to him. "I don't think I've met you before..." 

I turned to the girl in front of me "Have you?" 

She shook her head and so I grabbed her hand and started to draw her away from him. "Well, we gotta go, sorry, dude!"

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yea, thank you so much, I had no idea how to get rid of him..."

"No problem, is there somewhere you want me to walk you to?"

"Um, I was actually supposed to meet my friend from out of town here, do you mind walking with me until I find her?"

"Not at all! So... I'm Ash, what's your name?"

"Tori, its nice to meet you, Ash."

Tori, Tubbo, and I talked for a bit while looking for Tori's friend, I had put Tubbo on speaker phone so we could all chat.

After a few minutes we found Tori's "friend", a girl named Alex, and they told us that they where actually dating long distance, Tori was just being careful because she didn't know how I would react.

We said our goodbyes, and i was finally on my way home.

" Okay, Tubbo, it's time to dye!"

"....your hair right?"

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